LED Sign Lighting: A Cost-Effective and Sustainable Solution for Businesses!

LED sign lighting is a cost-effective and sustainable solution for businesses looking to bring increased visibility and higher-quality visuals to their signage. Led lighting is a great way to start your business’s transition towards greener practices, as it offers long-lasting energy savings, easier installation, and lower maintenance costs. 

You can also use led light fixtures as an effective way to save on utility bills in your commercial space by using fewer incandescent lights or replacing them with this energy-efficient lamp.

Business owners can also utilize LED lighting to create a custom look that blends well with their interior’s color scheme, brand, and aesthetic. You can use led lighting in-store displays, office lighting, lobby or security areas, and other details of your signage and display.

Before choosing sign and lighting services for your business signage, however, several factors must be considered to ensure you get the optimal results for your business and the planet.

The Importance of Commercial Sign Lighting for Business Success

Sign lighting is a crucial and often overlooked element in the success of your business. A well-lit environment will help you to stand out amongst your competitors and can work to increase brand awareness. This, in turn, will increase customer loyalty and sales.

Also, a well-lit area can boost safety at night, reducing the risk of accidents – especially for employees walking long distances between their workstations or storage areas.

Attracting customers: 

A welcoming environment is essential to the success of your business, and it is only with adequate lighting that you can consider your space office-ready. A well-lit sign can attract the attention of potential customers, especially at night or in low-light situations. This can lead to increased foot traffic and sales for businesses.

Employee safety: 

Good lighting attracts customers and increases employee safety, as workers can see dark corners and blind spaces better than under dim or unlit conditions. A well-lit environment will allow you to work longer hours, as employees need less sleep, thus increasing productivity and saving on energy bills.

Business branding: 

If you have a well-lit sign, your company will be easier to spot in a crowd of competing companies. It will assist in attracting new clients, increasing brand awareness, and creating a positive image to express your firm’s message effectively. People will have a much simpler time remembering your organization if it is represented by this image when trying to locate a specific store or product.


It is important that lighting also serves as a deterrent to antisocial behaviors such as vandalism and theft. Constructed of energy-efficient LED lighting, led sign lighting can help protect your property and guard against criminal activity by preventing burglars from breaking into storefronts or installing signs fraudulently.


The best way to create a positive impression of your company and to differentiate it from others is to offer a unique experience. A well-lit exterior will allow you to differentiate yourself from competitors. You must hire the best sign company like Nuer Lighting to differentiate your business! 

Increasing sales: 

With good lighting, your business will be more visible in the streets, allowing you to increase the number of people you reach. This can help businesses attract more customers and increase sales.

Saves money: 

Good lighting will also save you money, making your business less dependent on additional outdoor lighting. This will reduce the cost of using electricity to light up your office or signage and help you save on utility bills.

Customer perception: 

Many people highlight buildings or businesses with higher crime levels and poor service, which is unfortunate because this is untrue. Rather, a well-lit exterior will help improve customer perception of your business and brand image due to good lighting.


High-quality lighting can help to meet the legal requirements of displaying all required information. Many cities and municipalities have regulations regarding commercial sign lighting. Ensuring compliance with these regulations can help businesses avoid fines and legal issues.

Easy installation: 

LED lighting is an easy-to-install solution, especially for businesses looking to replace their incandescent light fixtures with a more energy-efficient option. You can easily position and mount these fixtures based on the width of your sign or wall and the angle of your sign, to ensure that the lights are evenly distributed across the surface.

Environmental sustainability of LED Sign Lighting

LED lighting is a greener option for sign and display lighting because it consumes 70% less energy than conventional lights. Utility expenditures, such as those for power and repairs, may be reduced.

Reduced carbon footprint: 

Lighting with LEDs is a green option because it reduces harmful gases. LED bulbs are made of semiconductors, so they don’t give off harmful gases when turned on and use a fraction of the energy that incandescent lamps do. Decreasing your carbon footprint and saving energy is an easy way to help the planet.

Easier to maintain: 

LED lighting fixtures have low maintenance requirements, making it easier for business owners to keep their signs in good condition for longer.

Expanding your business: 

LED sign lights can enable you to have multiple signs and feature-led lighting for more in-store visibility, specific use areas, and exterior display.

Longer lifespan and multipurpose use: 

LED sign lights are a great option for outdoor advertising because their bulb life is much longer (about 50,000 hours). Indoor and outdoor signs, exposed signage, storefront illumination, and illuminated display panels are some of the numerous possible applications for these lights.

Reduced light pollution and Improved perimeter visibility: 

LED sign lights are energy-efficient and produce less pollution than traditional sign lights because they don’t cast a glare. Using led signage increases your company’s nighttime visibility, which benefits both consumers’ ability to read your display and the safety of your establishment from potential robberies committed by passing motorists.

Increased energy efficiency: 

LED lighting can save up to 80% of utility costs compared to conventional lighting, making it ideal for commercial use. Because of this, LED sign lights are becoming a popular option for companies concerned about their carbon footprint and utility costs.

Reduction in landfill waste: 

Using LEDs to light up signs can significantly reduce the garbage that gets thrown away and ends up in landfills. A longer lifespan than incandescent bulbs means fewer frequent sign replacements are required.

The use of lighting on a sign makes it more noticeable at night or highlights specific aspects of a business. Signage within a building directly exposed to sunlight is a prime candidate for LED sign lighting due to its improved readability and visibility. Signs that are horizontal or have a horizontal orientation benefit most from LED sign lighting.

The Bottom Line!

LED signs are a great approach to advertising your company’s wares. By brilliantly illuminating your signage in a distinctive and effective way, they draw attention to your brand and improve the way your business appears to passers-by.

Indoors or out, LED sign lighting is a terrific way to attract more customers’ attention and boost your business’s reputation. These signs have several applications, from drawing attention to certain sections of a store’s interior to constructing eye-catching window displays for businesses’ front doors.

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Lighting Contracting: Key Considerations

Recent energy efficiency changes have resulted in many new lighting options, but the question remains: which ones are truly sustainable?

Multiple considerations must be considered when performing a lighting renovation to guarantee an environmentally-friendly result. This article offers insight into how sustainability can be achieved by providing tips for the lighting contractor who engages in this practice.

Recent energy efficiency changes have resulted in many new lighting options, but the question remains: which ones are truly sustainable? 

While most experts agree that replacing inefficient lighting with energy-efficient options is more beneficial than nothing, many still argue that replacing fixtures completely with environmentally-friendly ones will not achieve the same results for an improved environment.

Lighting services

What Are Energy Efficiency And Sustainability?

Increasing productivity while decreasing resource use is the essence of energy efficiency. The objective is to carry out the same activities and perform the same functions as before while consuming less energy. 

When looking at a building from an energy efficiency standpoint, it is customarily preferable to address measures by the suitable site and building system. 

The term “sustainable,” when used regarding energy efficiency, generally implies that it is possible to maintain the same level of energy consumption while offering improved environmental benefits over time. The ultimate goal of sustainable practices is to make every resource (energy, water) available for a longer time. 

While most experts agree that replacing inefficient lighting with energy-efficient options is more beneficial than nothing, many still argue that replacing fixtures completely with environmentally-friendly ones will not achieve the same results for an improved environment. 

It is important to note that regardless of the rarity of sustainable practices, significant improvements in terms of energy efficiency have been made over the years.

When looking at a building from an energy efficiency standpoint, it is customarily preferable to address measures by the suitable site and building system.

Key Considerations for Lighting Contractors

1) Proper Illumination: 

It is important to illuminate the working area, not just the designated workspace. This is because the illumination levels will vary depending on where one is located and for how long. 

The areas where visibility and usability could be higher (such as in an office) will require lower illumination levels than areas that hold significant value, such as a laboratory or workshop during evening hours.  

Most commercial lighting installation, sign and lighting services projects are carried out to enhance the overall sense of security and the property’s ambiance. Both the interior and exterior of commercial areas, including parking lots, need sufficient light levels. 

To generate even, appropriate lighting over a wide variety of rooms and spaces spread around a property, a wide selection of different lighting fixtures and lamps is required. 

Therefore, achieving the best possible illumination output is necessary to ensure a lighting project’s success. After upgrading the lighting in a room, it will be brought to everyone’s attention if there are still areas that need to be adequately illuminated. Your lighting provider should emphasize efficient lumen output considering various elements like access to natural light, ceiling heights, and more. 

Even something as innocuous as a room filled with computer monitors can affect the light output option that your professional recommends. When you invest in a lighting installation project, you must get your money’s worth and create secure surroundings for your customers, tenants, and staff. 

If reducing energy consumption is one of your primary concerns, you should ensure that your lighting supplier is aware of this; nevertheless, reducing energy consumption should not come at the expense of excellent illumination. 

An expert in lighting can recommend certain items, like LED light fixtures, that will provide the appropriate illumination while conserving the most energy possible.

2) Lighting Level: 

High luminance levels can be achieved using smaller led lighting packages or dynamic lights with dim-to-dimmer capabilities. These measures are ideal for areas where the light intensity is constant throughout the day, such as offices, laboratories, and warehouses. Areas that require lower illumination levels will benefit from light intensity reduced with dimmers or by reducing the number of fixtures in those areas.

 3) Intensity: 

When looking at a building from an energy efficiency standpoint, it is customarily preferable to address measures by the suitable site and building system. 

On all projects, including renovation projects, certain accepted standards and practices need to be followed, including specific codes. As mentioned above, when determining if an area is properly illuminated, one should always determine the baseline illumination level of that area.

pole light services

4) Long-Term Maintenance:

High-quality, long-lasting lights are essential for achieving low costs in the long term. In the spirit of efficiency, lighting control has replaced all others. As the standards for workplace illumination have risen, so has the importance of proper lighting control systems. 

When replacing fixtures, it is important to ensure that you buy reef lights with some built-in controllers. This will help ensure that you can maintain optimal energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption over time.

For example, the light fixtures in parking garages positioned high off the ground can be difficult to access and, as a result, need a significant amount of time and money to be changed regularly. However, because LED products have a longer lifespan and longer intervals between maintenance checks does not mean they are maintenance-free. 

This is a significant portion of the maintenance savings that long-lasting LEDs provide. When working with LEDs, long-term upkeep is frequently disregarded. 

Purchasing high-quality lighting solutions that are designed to last as long as possible and do not need a lot of maintenance is the most cost-effective choice you can make. 

On the other hand, if something does break, you will want to be able to address the issue as quickly as possible. If you’ve purchased a product from a manufacturer with a lower reputation, for instance, and an LED board must be replaced, you run the risk of not being able to locate a replacement board that matches, or even worse; the firm may have gone out of business, leaving you unable to buy a fixture that is compatible with your previous purchase, leaving you without the option to purchase a matching fixture. 

In general, high-quality products can also evolve along with technological advances and present a lower danger from a safety point of view. 

The Bottom Line!

Choosing a well-known and renowned manufacturer can help you avoid dead ends and protect the value of your investment by enabling you to maintain and repair your fixture and replace its boards, motorists, and other components. You might inquire with the lighting supplier about the companies they collaborate with, or you could research on your own.


Check Your Lights To See If They Are Aging Graciously: Luminous Depreciation!

Lumen depreciation is a relatively complicated topic, and experts may not always agree on specifics, like when an LED light source should be deemed “failed.” With outdated lighting technology, identifying the moment a store front lighting failed was simple. Earlier, the moment the bulb used to turn on, it went out and stopped emitting any light, and the light bulb would be considered by the user to have failed at that point. Lumen depreciation is the term that describes the gradual decrease of a lamp’s or fixture’s initial light output. The word “lumen maintenance” refers to the light work from the light source still there rather than the output lost.

Over time, all lighting sources, even LEDs, lose some of the light they emit. Your old metal halide, fluorescent, or incandescent lamps lose their initial light output far more quickly than LED lighting. But because this loss happens gradually over a shorter period, it frequently goes unnoticed until the light source “burns out,” which we realize needs to be replaced.

What is Luminous depreciation?

The luminous flux is measured in lumens. It is a way to quantify how much overall visible light a source produces. As a fixture gets older, its overall lumen output steadily drops. Lumen depreciation is the term used to describe how a bulb’s lifetime lumen output decreases. The number of hours spent using the light source, the environment, how often it is turned on and off, and other variables may all affect how quickly lumens degrade.

When you maintain a property, you keep it secure, appealing, and valuable. Keeping your property’s lighting system in good working order is crucial to attaining this goal. You should know a few things about your lights as they age.

  • Lumens per Lamp Depreciation: Older lamps lose power, and their lights become less bright. The majority of incandescent lights have a 2,000-hour maximum lifespan. After 50,000 hours, many LEDs are said to have reached the end of their functional life. Halogen and CFL bulbs have lifespans in the middle of these two ranges. When a bulb ends its usable life, its light output decreases to 70% of what it was initially. Although LED lights are a fantastic investment, some of their brightness does progressively diminish. LED lights can also fade while operating at higher temperatures. Manufacturers can provide each bulb’s LLD (lamp lumen depreciation) factor. According to experts, you should change all your bulbs at once according to a schedule that considers the LLD. To get the most out of your lights and prevent a lot of lamp burnouts, you can determine when it is ideal to do this with your lighting provider.
  • Light Dust Depreciation: Grime is a frequently disregarded element that affects how bright light shines. Surfaces are covered in dirt, which stops light from trying to enter the bulb. To combat this, the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) 70B standard for electrical maintenance recommends cleaning lamps when they dim by 15% to 20%. Of course, a few factors will determine how frequently that is required. The amount of dirt that a lamp may gather varies by type. Manufacturers typically use the LDD to describe how rapidly a light fixture accumulates dirt (luminaire dirt depreciation.) They are classified into Maintenance Categories I through VI in the IESNA Lighting Handbook, with I becoming dirty the quickest and VI remaining clean the longest. For example, a lighting strip without a top or bottom container can soon become dusty. Users often give Higher ratings to other types of lighting, such as lamps with covers. Your property’s level of dustiness is another aspect. In an airless factory, dirt will accumulate on the lights more quickly than in a spotless showroom. Regardless, cleaning the fixtures to keep your space well-lit regularly would be best. The LDD will give you a general notion of how frequently you should do that.
  • Surface Depreciation of Fixtures: The light fixtures lose some of their reflecting properties with time. Heat exposure can cause light covers to turn yellow, dimming the room’s illumination. Dents and nicks block light. To find these issues, you must schedule routine inspections of your fixtures. Additionally, this will allow your electrician to tighten fixtures into position and inspect the wiring and ballast, among other things.

As you can see, there are a lot of things that can make your lighting less effective. A good lighting maintenance program is crucial for your lighting system’s effectiveness. Various issues need to be taken into account when thinking about retail lighting. Good or bad lighting can significantly alter how a customer feels and perceives your store while buying. Fortunately, inexpensive lighting upgrades may completely change the look of your store.

  1. Fix your store lights timely: Equally significant to how it looks inside is how a store appears outside. An excellent first impression of your company begins indoors, so it’s crucial to have appropriately lit window displays.

Choosing a variable lighting system for your storefront is a fantastic idea because different products and displays require varied illumination. Since track lighting can be adjusted, it’s perfect for window displays. Each track head or wall washer can be turned to face a different production area. Additionally, you can dim the fixtures to create various moods.

A shop will become more bright and more inviting to customers the more lighting options you have.

  1. Show off your best merchandise: You can use retail lighting to help your most outstanding products stand out. Lighting can draw additional attention to various products, displays, and special promotions by correctly placed around a store.

Commercial lighting companies highlight several products by using downlights for built-in shelving displays.

  • Path Heads: The most adaptable type of retail lighting is track heads, which are attached to a track system. Track heads can be altered to function with various objects within a shop area, just like in a window display. Utilize the Track Heads from trusted brands to create an even more distinctive display. Each has an infinite adaptor that allows for endless rotation.
  • Track Wallwashers: Track Wallwashers can photograph exciting features on the walls. These are excellent for advertising posters, decorative items, gallery exhibits, and other wall-running items. There are many more ways to display.

Your store’s most crucial component is ultimately your merchandise. The secret to a successful store is locating a lighting solution that enhances your brand image, showcases your products, and produces a pleasant environment. A commercial lighting contractor can help you solve all the lighting problems and save your store from losing its glorious bright fixtures to lure clients.

Do you need assistance choosing the ideal lighting for your office or retail space? Locate a Commercial lighting expert in your area right now!

Custom Sign Installation: Everything You Need To Know


Consider the gas station led lighting installation even though you are investing a lot of time and money into planning the size, design, and content of your digital signage. If you install it correctly, it will be visible, resulting in a time and money loss. Experience and expertise are essential when installing commercial signs. It would be best if you searched for custom sign installation services to make sure your sign is set up expertly for this reason.

Available Types of Signages: Monument signs are the best option for businesses tucked away from the main road. Your company will be more visible with a monument sign, informing clients and guests of your location.

  1. Neon signs: Neon signs are electric signs illuminated by neon and other gases in luminous gas discharge tubes. Neon signs are made up of glass tubes, a transformer, electrodes, and noble gases that must be transported with great care and labor-intensively, raising the installation cost.
  2. Paylon signs: Similar to monument signs, pylon signs increase the visibility of your business, especially if your building is difficult to see from the road. Pylon signs cost more to install since they are large and sturdy enough to stand independently.
  3. Indoor signs: Interior signs are installed inside your business to draw attention and direct clients and consumers to various service areas. Companies can advertise their goods and services quite well by placing these in well-chosen locations near busy streets.
  4. Outdoor signs: To reach a sizable target demographic and build brand awareness, these must be strategically placed on major highways and streets.
  5. Signs with movable letters: These are sometimes referred to as marquee signs and are frequently incorporated with other outdoor signage, such as monument signs. Modify the channel letters to match your new message whenever the message has to be altered, and presto!

Advantages Of Personalized Signage For Businesses

By spending money on bespoke signs for your company, you can be sure that your audience will be familiar with your company name and brand and that your investment will be highly profitable.

  • Cost-effectiveness: According to recent studies, digital signage only costs 30 cents to reach 1,000 people, compared to $10 to $25 for TV advertising and roughly twice that for mail advertising to achieve the same number of people.
  • Attractiveness: An adequately installed custom sign adds to the aesthetic appeal of a business and looks incredibly lovely. Since clients will rate your brand based on its initial impression, it is crucial to make a positive one.
  • Information transmission: In an ideal world, a business sign will provide crucial details that customers will find appealing and straightforward, such as the brand name, logo, contact information, opening hours, etc.

After the first investment in a sign’s purchase and installation, there are no recurring fees. Maintenance will be minimal, and your sign board will be operational around the clock, especially if you bought it from a reputable sign installation business.

What Is The Typical Price For Installing A Custom Sign?

The size, complexity, and materials utilized during the installation will all impact the average cost of a personalized sign.

For putting your sign, you should budget anywhere from $200 to $1,000. Given that the materials you select will impact the cost of your sign, it is challenging to provide accurate pricing for the sign installation. 

While calculating the cost following must also be taken into account:

  • The complexity of your design 
  • The location of your building.

It is essential to request a quote from the firm you choose to supply you with a digital signage solution if you want an accurate estimate for the cost of installing your business sign.

How Can You Create Signs for Your Company?

The manner that business signage represents your brand and beliefs is one of its most valuable features. You and your team have likely put in a lot of effort to create a strong brand image and messaging to develop your company. You may project that image and message in a clear, highly noticeable way with the help of well-made signs. You must make an effective sign for your business keeping the following in mind:

  • Create an Impact: Your business’s signage serves as its public face. Therefore, you’ll want it to stand out and be original. Spend some time considering how to draw in more clients, especially if your store is one of many on a busy route.
  • Appealing: Your sign can make a good impression on potential consumers by using a memorable slogan, a standout motto, an unexpected color scheme, aesthetically pleasing shapes, entertaining lighting, and eye-catching images. A new form of sign can also make your business stand out. For instance, if all your competitors use wall signs, a three-dimensional monument sign can set your firm apart.
  • Stress Your Brand: Brand recognition and awareness are key components of client acquisition. Make your brand known to your audience and foster good associations using signage. You can highlight your local roots, show off how you give back to the community, underline the caliber of your goods and services, or advertise the outstanding customer service you provide.
  • Seek Advice from a Professional: An experienced sign company is a crucial ally when creating commercial signs. A professional business can provide support and guidance based on years of experience. The vision and objectives are entirely up to you, but a reputable sign firm may provide suggestions and prompt responses to make the project entertaining and accessible for everyone involved.

A professional sign company’s team can ensure that the finished product is a sign that you and your clients will enjoy for many years by knowing what sizes, colors, and materials would work best for your project.

How To Locate A Reputable Installer Of Bespoke Signs

You could go with neighborhood full-service businesses collaborating with you while choosing which character to buy and up until you purchase and install the sign. More internet businesses sell the device and contract out the installation. Here are some methods for locating a reputable company that installs personalized signs:

  • You may have a few choices thanks to search engines. 
  • Before deciding, narrow down your options and check the websites of potential suppliers for professionalism and customer testimonials. 
  • Request referrals from coworkers and other company owners.


parking lot lamp pole

Why Use A Qualified Sign Installer?

You have the benefit of spending one-on-one time with the company’s employees. At the same time, the sign is being designed and manufactured when you choose to work with a nearby commercial sign installation company that can even help you with Pole light repair. They can direct you in the appropriate direction and are knowledgeable about the local signage regulations. The manufacturing company’s signage installation services are even preferable because they made the sign and would know how to install it the best. Since this would fall under their after-sales services, they will probably provide better prices. By doing this, you may establish a solid rapport with them and make touch with them without hesitation in the future if something goes wrong with your sign.

 How to Choose Best Company for LED Gas Station Canopy Lights

Why are canopy lights best for a gas station?

Gas stations are usually situated on highways and long route roads. To make them more noticeable and eye-catching, good quality and bright lighting must be installed. LED canopy lights are the best suited for this purpose. They give uniform lighting in all the areas and transform the look of your gas station. You must choose the canopy lights carefully after considering their quality and the type of light they emit. Choose an experienced company that could do the installation of these lights.

Canopy lights for gas stations-Why to use them

Are you a gas station owner and looking for the best lights that can light up your place? Canopy lights are the best choice for you. They are widely used by most gas stations these days. Here are few reasons why  led gas station canopy lights are best:

  1. Energy saving  The gas station lights have to be operated for a longer duration. To reduce your power consumption you need a light that could be energy efficient in nature. LED canopy lights are very energy-saving in nature and help you save a lot of power. They use a very small amount of electricity even after running for hours. This makes them the best-suited lighting solutions for gas stations.
  1. Low maintenance Required Maintenance and repair of lighting at the gas stations can be a costly and tough task. To reduce this expense you must find a light that needs low maintainence. Canopy LED lights are the best in this regard. They are very sturdy and can withstand difficult environmental conditions. They do not require very high maintenance. Due to their long life span, you need not get them replaced early.
  1. Environment friendly You must think about the environment while installing lights and fixtures at your place. Using poor quality lights not only affects the look of your gas station but also causes harm to the environment as a whole. Canopy lights are eco-friendly in nature and do not release any harmful radiation or gaseous substances. This quality makes canopy lights an eco-friendly and best-suited lighting option for a gas station.
  1. Uniform and high-quality light The lighting needs of a gas station are different from other places. In order to be visible in the dark and from a distance, it needs more lighting. Canopy lights can help you with this. They are the best in terms of quality and give high-quality light. They have the ability to give uniform lighting in each and every area. You need not install too many lights in one place. Few lights are enough to light up your gas station.

Tips to choose the best canopy light installation company

Now after knowing that canopy lights are the perfect solution for your gas station. The next thing you have to do is to find a suitable Gas station canopy lights installation company that could undertake the light installation process. Here are a few tips to find the best:

  1. Choose a company that possesses a good amount of experience in light installation procedures.
  1. Have a look at the previous light installation projects undertaken by the company and make sure that they have worked on such types of projects before.
  1. Do not create any hurry in choosing the installation company. Get full details about the company and its offerings and then make your final choice. Check the company’s market image also.
  1. Ask them the charges they would charge for installing the canopy lights at your gas station, in advance and the canopy light price. Also, ask them about the additional services they would provide along with the installation of lights.


These are some of the reasons why canopy lights turn out to be a perfect lighting solution that could illuminate your gas station and make it visible to visitors. Make sure you choose an experienced light installation company for this task.

Nuer Lighting is a widely preferred light installation company having years of experience in fitting and installing lighting at commercial places such as business complexes, petrol pumps, gas stations, and other places.

Types of Commercial Outdoor Lighting


The outer look of your commercial space plays a vital role in the amount of footfall you experience there. People love to visit places with a great look and a calm and soothing ambiance. Lighting plays a significant role in determining the look of your place. The better quality and stylish lights you use, the more beautiful and eye-catching your commercial place looks. These days a wide range of commercial lights are available in the market. These lights vary in size, shape, and the type of light they emit.

Different Types Of Commercial Outdoor Lighting You Need To Know

Do you possess a commercial space and are looking for the best-suited lights that can enhance the look of your place and fulfill its lighting requirements. Here are a few most commonly used commercial lighting:

  • Flood Lights These lights are usually installed at manufacturing plants, and they lighten up a particular area where they are being installed. Other areas where these lights are used are parking lot lighting solutions, parks, billboards, and industrial outdoors. They have a longer life span and are durable, making them the most affordable lighting option for commercial places.
  • Commercial Building Lights Installation of eye-cachy building lights at your workspace will enhance its appearance and also help in making a positive work environment. The choice of lights for your commercial space should be done on basis of the area available, lighting requirements of the building, and the type of business you are into.
  • Commercial Landscape Lighting It is the most prevalent form of lightning these days. These lights are mainly used in restaurants, gardens, and hotels to enhance the outer look of these places. These lights add beauty to the look of your place, and they help to give better visibility to your place during the nighttime. It also helps to make your place safe and secure.
  • Gas Station Canopy Lighting With the installation of Canopy, Lighting will help in enhancing the visibility of your gas station during nighttime. Also, it will create a better working environment for your employees. This lighting will help to transform your conventional gas station into a modern and interesting palace.
  • Parking Lot Pole Lighting Parking lots have become an important part of any commercial space. It is very important to have an adequate amount of lighting on the poles installed in your business parking space. This will help in avoiding accidents and make visitors feel safe.

Summing up

These are some of the most commonly used lights in commercial spaces. These lights create better visibility and add beauty to the look of your place. You need to choose the best-suited light for your place, considering your budget, lighting needs, and ongoing market trends.

NUER Lighting & Sign Services is a well-known Commercial outdoor lighting company. We have various types of indoor and outdoor lights available with us.

Top 5 Sign Repair Services in Chicago

There are Top 5 Sign Repair Services in Chicago

NUER Lighting

Offering a wide variety of digital signal and lighting fixtures services at the side of everyday offerings we have catered to customers across Chicago to offer their business to the world in an appealing way.

Their visually attractive symptoms in Chicago can play a substantial role in making your business stand out and allow capability customers understand approximately your presence. Using signal and lights services is a powerful manner to put it up for sale and promote your business using visible content material. You can use them to show your commercial enterprise name and identification, stay feeds, news, statistics, menu, and gives & messages for specific activities.

Windy City Signs and Graphics

Windy City Signs and Graphics is a full-provider Chicago Sign Company, that’s ready to take for your next signal challenge. We design, fabricate, and install remarkable nice symptoms for business institutions, events, and agencies in Chicago. From unforgettable indoor signs to captivating outdoor signs, our signal organization in Chicago can do it all. Do you need to extend your signage’s lifestyles span or update some of its information without changing the whole component? Our team of professionals additionally affords advanced restore and maintenance offerings near you .

Independent Sign & Graphic

Independent Sign & Graphic is a design and advertising agency that offers one-prevent advertising and marketing & marketing answer for all form of business. We are providing a complete range of solutions for everybody seeking to succeed in their business advertising and marketing. .

We are revel in and specialized in each outside and indoor marketing. For outside advertising and marketing, we provide diverse sorts of merchandise which include Signage + 3-d Chanel Letters, Signboard, Laser Cut Out Lettering, Billboard, Tarpaulin Signboard, Tarpaulin with Netting Signboard, Light Box, Colourbond Board, Colourbond Board with Pole, Road Signage, Street Sign, Decorative Archway, Mock Cheque, Vehicle Advertisement, Organization Chart, Tournament Chart, Acrylic Router Display.

Pro Image Chicago Signs

Pro Image Chicago Signs makes a speciality of CNC Router indoors and outside signage. We are able to designing and fabricating your show of any size to satisfy your needs and cut-off date.

Pro photo Chicago Signs has been in business for over 21 years and you could see our work everywhere in the town and the suburbs.

Pro Image Chicago Sign is usually ready to help you get your message out.

We work in the City of Chicago and surrounding regions.


At SignFreaks, we design numerous types of advertising boards – from the most effective ones, made on a steel sheet, to boards and signs with factors of spatial portraits, in diverse styles and sizes. Thanks to the enjoy and using appropriate materials, the durability and aesthetics of our classified ads satisfy each client, and the technological possibilities permit us to make complete-shade boards and signs and symptoms the use of the solvent printing approach. The cloth we use for the introduction of sign boards include:

PVC Boards – PVS Boards are meant for use for business purposes like virtual and display printing, laminating, vinyl lettering, signage. These are lightweight, inflexible kinds of improved foam polyvinyl chloride.

Dibond Boards (Aluminum) – Ideal solution for heavy-obligation signage consisting of ones made for roadways and parking spaces in addition to for manufacturing facility or warehouse signs

Plexiglass Boards (Arcylic) – Often used for illuminated, architectural, tradeshow, and factor-of-purchase signs and symptoms Acrylic or Plexiglass Board is an excellent preference to get a sign with a sophisticated, high-tech appearance.

Corrugated Plastic Boards – Lightweight and fee-effective visible communications answer, perfectly suited for a extensive style of indoor and quick-term outside uses.

Top 10 Lighting Companies in USA

NUER Lighting

Nuer Lighting is your one-stop-shop for lighting and signage solutions as we also offer consultation, installation, repair, maintenance, and replacement services. We enable you to fully control your lighting and signage systems so that you can adjust the output and power consumptions as per your needs.

Join hands with Nuer Lighting and lighten up your world while protecting the Mother Earth.

Nuer Lighting employees are knowledgeable professionals you can trust and have the ability to get the job done. They will always work with you to find the best solutions to fit your needs and ensure deadlines are met and costs are kept under control.

A Lamp And Fixture

A Lamp And Fixture began on Clark Street in 1973.

Our next vicinity changed into on Fullerton Ave. In November of 2005 we moved to our current vicinity on Elston Ave.
A Lamp sells lamps and lighting.
We promote many styles and kinds of lampshades: Hard lower back drum sun shades, squares, rectangles, coolie and empire sun shades.
As properly as clip-on, chandelier, and Uno sunglasses. We also hand stitch custom sun shades with our fabric or yours.
A Lamp & Fixture Shoppe does lamp and lighting fixture restore. We retrofit European lighting fixtures and make custom fixtures.
We easy and rewire crystal chandeliers.
A Lamp & Fixture Shoppe has made custom lighting for plenty restaurants and manufacturers.

Imperial Lighting

Imperial Lighting became founded in 1973 via Leon and Cary Mendelsohn who remain proprietors of the closely-held circle of relatives’ commercial enterprise. Our organization has grown to end up the biggest independently-owned lights service contractor in Chicago. Throughout our records we have set the industry widespread for willpower to customer service and nice work.

Arnold Electrical Services

Arnold Electrical Services is “Chicago’s Old Home Electrical Experts” which have been maintaining clients safe considering the fact that 2008. We concentrate on keeping, repairing and replacing existing electric systems in homes similar to yours. We’ve been in one thousand’s of homes all through the Chicagoland Area, and there isn’t always a trouble too small or too large in your own home that we are able to’t get looked after for you.


Whether you want light bulbs changed, your electric meter and panel changed, or maybe you need the material-blanketed cord changed in your own home due to flickering lighting or tripping breakers, we’re right here to serve you. We are available 24 Hours a Day for those once in an entire life electrical emergencies after ordinary commercial enterprise hours.


GL LED LLC gives more than one thousand specific products which are licensed through UL/ETL. We are committed to offering our clients correct and activate transport service and fantastically less expensive and aggressive charges.

Today, GL LED LLC offers:

Helping our clients construct, broaden or choose the today’s and fine acting LED lights products from the start at unbeatable costs.

Offering the most bendy ODM solutions to better serve our business customers’ wishes with special pricing discounts.

Hangout Lighting

For nearly a decade, we’ve helped human beings personalize lights just proper for his or her homes and groups. With nearly endless methods to customize, you may blend and healthy antique, business and modern patterns and elements. Your layout is home made in our Chicago workshop and on its manner to you in beneath a week. With a chunk of our coronary heart and soul in every light, we are committed to craftsmanship, excellent and top-notch customer support. And in case you’re ever in town, come grasp out with us!

My Lamp Parts

With over 5,000 specific lighting parts in our electronic catalog, you’re certain to find the lamp components you want. We cater to lights showrooms, lamp shops, vintage stores, and funeral homes, in addition to the do-it-yourselfer. We remember that often instances fixing an old or broken lamp is less luxurious than shopping a brand new one, and in the case of a circle of relatives heirloom there may be no alternative but to restore the lamp. That is why we welcome your inquiries and are eager to serve. Feel free to fill out our inquiry form

Highlights Chicago

Highlights Chicago is a complete-service, circle of relatives owned, Electric Corporation that has been serving Chicago land place for over eleven years. From the very starting we’ve got targeted on offering incredible paintings and superior customer service. Our guiding philosophy is very simple; we provide the level of provider that we ourselves would love to get hold of. This single pursuit of exceeding clients expectancies has fuelled our expansion. While we’re pleased with our growth, we by no means overlook that delivering on our guarantees and fulfilling our customers on each and every venture is the most crucial thing we do.

Throughout the years the spectrum of offerings that Highlights Chicago affords has increased from serving residential clients to consist of industrial, business and institutional customers. Our electricians’ service, repair, and set up all matters electrical. Highlights Chicago is committed to attracting and retaining pinnacle talent. Our technicians are relatively skilled and go through ongoing training to keep cutting-edge on ever-changing technology affecting our industry.

At Highlights Chicago we satisfaction ourselves on delivering initiatives on time and inside budget. We look ahead to an possibility to offer our knowledge and superior fine electrical services to serve your residential and enterprise needs. We are completely licensed, bonded and insured electrical contractor.

Crest Lighting.

Crest Lighting is the industrial and residential lighting fixtures department of Paramount EO, an electrical supply and offerings organization.

Crest Lighting is a complete-provider lighting company providing:

Lighting Design & Layout

Commercial & Contractor Services

Advanced Lighting Controls


Ceiling Fans

Outdoor & Landscape Lighting

Smart & Energy Efficient Solutions

Chicago LED Cicero il

Chicago LED Cicero IL rated excellent installers for storefront LED Lights for 5 years in a row
we specialize in storefront window LED lighting fixtures in all chicagoland.

Best Sign Installation Companies in Chicago, IL

Here are best Sign Installation Companies in Chicago, IL. Providing superb quality sign installation, repair and upgrade in Chicago, IL

1) NUER Lighting

Offering a wide variety of digital signal and lighting fixtures services at the side of everyday offerings we have catered to customers across Chicago to offer their business to the world in an appealing way.

Their visually attractive symptoms in Chicago can play a substantial role in making your business stand out and allow capability customers understand approximately your presence. Using signal and lights services is a powerful manner to put it up for sale and promote your business using visible content material. You can use them to show your commercial enterprise name and identification, stay feeds, news, statistics, menu, and gives & messages for specific activities.

NUER Lighting & Signs: Commercial Sign Repair and Installation

They offer a wide variety of digital symptoms in Chicago to assist groups get signboards as digital posters, outdoor and indoor signage, ceiling-set up signage, and freestanding advertisement displays consistent with distinct purposes. At NUER Light, They use the modern-day lighting & electronic technology to show off your enterprise in style.

Their designing and manufacturing teams work together to create the most suitable signs for your commercial enterprise. Creative team has unlimited specific ideas to manufacture and installation appealing, progressive, and informative symptoms with an extended lifetime. They also provide professional outdoor commercial signal restore services to assist groups repair their damaged signages.


2) Right Way Signs

Right Way Signs is a certified, bonded and insured signal installation employer in the City of Chicago. Painting with companies and other signal businesses to install new signs as well as eliminate antique signs or pix earlier than the new signal installation takes location. For out of nation sign agencies, correct surveys are also vital before any sign is fabricated to make sure the sign will meet the City of Chicago signal code and Right Way offers entire sign survey services.

They also paintings with signal groups across America which have country wide accounts with chains or different company clients to address their sign installation within the Chicago land place. You will find that our speedy turnaround, capability to record allows with Chicago and aggressive pricing makes us the proper signal company in Chicago to install your next sign.

3) Significant Graphics

They are a family run, full service, independent sign and photos company.  They provide consulting, design, manufacturing and set up all beneath one roof servicing Chicago, IL primarily based out of Skokie.  Strive to be constant, honest and reliable.  Significant Graphics gives a step by step method able to taking your concept or imaginative and prescient and delivering an high-quality finished product.  We provide a free consultation and attempt to become your one of a kind sign company.  Call us to installation an appointment.

They are a member of the Sign world Business Partners’ Organization that is a national organization of impartial signal agencies; a business proprietors’ alliance.  This alliance has over 350 locations during the United States and Canada and presents our customers with the potential to have a single source sign supplier which can take care of more than one branch workplaces throughout the U.S., turning in a superior stage of excellent and product consistency.

So, whether or not you want a simple logo for your workplace window or car or you want an entire fleet of car photos and promotional signage, Significant Graphics will provide a fantastic product and advanced service-guaranteed.

How to Install Outdoor Light Fixture on Stone

Many of us have observed stones that carry a light within them. It gives a gorgeous and captivating appearance. It’s fascinating to consider how well this form of lightning could be tied to numerous objects, such as wallpapers and stones.

It enhances the aesthetics of your residence, patios, driveway, and so on. Installing an outdoor lighting fixture on stone can be done in various ways. We’ll go over the various options and learn the easy installation techniques for outdoor light fixtures.

An Easy Guide on How to Install Outdoor Light Fixture on Stone

Picking the Right Light

Before you purchase a light, it is crucial to ensure that the light is durable and easily maintainable without the threat of breaking. For outdoor lighting, high-quality matters a lot as one light should last you for years.

Another significant factor to consider is the wattage of the light. The higher the wattage means higher chances of long-lasting durability. The lower the wattage equals less longevity.

Installation of the Fresh Bracket

If there’s already lighting installed on the stone, the primary job is to take them off and switch off the electricity to avoid shock. These lights come with two small screws on each side; you only have to pull them out from there and then install the bracket using two screws.

If the screws exceed the length of the drilled hole, you can shorten them by using a screw cutter. After that, mount the bracket using these screws and fix it securely with pliers.

Wire it up

With three types of wires, black, white, and ground wire, you will prioritize the ground wire first when you wire them all up. With the help of wire nuts, you catch the wires and ensure they are tightened up.

Using electrical tape, you will cover them. The electrical tape will keep the moisture far away from the wing nuts. Even for commercial outdoor lighting, it is necessary to do this step as the atmosphere keeps changing, and there’s always moisture or water outside that might enter inside it.

We’re now set to install it in place and double-check if our light is working before installing. If everything signals a green light, you may proceed to fix it in the mount and screw the caps on and make sure they’re securely fastened.

Add Sealant or Fillers

Fillers must be added only at the sides and the top of the cap but never below, i.e., the bottom side. Because whatever moisture or water collects in it, it’ll drain out through the bottom. Utilizing a small amount of silicon, you will fill out the top side and either side of the cap.

To give it a tidy look, don’t use an excessive amount of the sealant as it’ll be visible from both the top and sides.

Place the Sensor

The last thing left to do is to install a sensor. The sensor is aligned on the upper end of the lighting setup.The sensor detects the dimness of the environment and automatically switches on. By installing a sensor on your commercial outdoor lighting, you wouldn’t need a socket or an external plug to turn the lights on.


Outdoor lighting fixtures are a beautiful and aesthetic way to enhance the look of our gardens, houses, garages, or outside our businesses. At times, the only issue that arises is that this sort of lighting becomes the cause of fires and various electrical mishaps.

However, there’s nothing to sweat about if you know how to install outdoor light fixture on stone. Stone lighting installations look complicated, but it isn’t. Nevertheless, seeking assistance from a professional is always a safe and secure alternative you can take any time.

Also Read: Best Lighting Contractor in Chicago

How Much Does Neon Sign Repair Cost

To enhance one’s business many people go for a neon sign as they are eye candies and help in attracting a lot of customers. However, it is a fact that the life span of neon signs is very limited and usually fails after some time. In such scenarios replacing the neon sign can be a little harsh on the pocket. Therefore, Nuer Lighting has come up with a solution to repair your neon signs and save the day! We are a brand that is the ultimate solution for all your lighting problems.

You must be wondering: How much does neon sign repair cost?

We all know that while buying a new neon sign, one needs an investment of hundreds of dollars. Moreover, if it is a problem of just flickering, then replacing it is not a good choice. So, if you are going for a repair, then its price must be cheap, so it does not create a deep hole in your pocket. In this case, we are more than happy to tell you that we are offering a low-cost neon sign repair that will make your day! We will make sure that your neon sign looks as good as new.

How much does neon sign repair cost?

This also depends upon the problem which is defecting the light. For instance, if the problem is related to the intensity of light, it can be easily resolved by changing the transformer or connection in the sign. Similarly, if the glass of the neon sign is broken, it will lead to leakage of gases and unsatisfactory results. These fixtures can be done with an investment of some dollars. Yet the other factor that can lead to a higher repair cost is the intensity of the design. If your neon sign consists of logos or if the brand’s name consists of different shapes. Such technicalities can lead to variations in the pricing of the repair cost.

Neon sign repair is no big deal

Power fluctuation is also a huge cause for a neon sign to fail and not work properly. One needs to have a consistent power supply, to make its neon sign work for a long time. Thus, the benefits of taking our services are that we provide light with lower power consumption and increased longevity. The lights that are repaired by us emit less heat and you can easily maintain it.


So, if you are looking for a neon sign repair platform, your search comes to an end. Because we provide top-notch services at a price that will be a sigh of relief for you. Nuer guarantees you to repair your product with the best material and technicians that are specialized in their jobs.

We are a company of people that provides all the services regarding signs. From cleaning the signs, adding new colors to the display, or replacing the neon tubes, we are here to serve you. Then what are you waiting for? Contact us today to get the best neon sign repair that would make your business shine like a star.

Top 5 Sign Installation Companies in Chicago

Nuer Lighting

Nuer lighting has been earning the trust of its customers for decades and has been a successful reference for all of them. With their experienced, highly knowledgeable and professional team, they have managed to build a long line of trusted partnerships with their long-term clients. Their professionalism has gained them, loyal customers. With their eye-catching designs and brilliant bright colors, their customers love coming back for more designs.

Sign installation, signage repair, maintenance, and various other lighting services have made Nuer Lighting a go-to company for all sorts of lighting facilities and services. They have specialized in all fields from industrial lighting, public lighting, car park lighting, domestic lighting, neon sign installation, and many more. They have the best prices and offer a one-on-one consultation call with an experienced expert who will guide you in making the best lighting decision.

Neon Art Signs Co.

Neon Art Signs Co. specializes in producing visual, artistically compelling, and high-quality, excellent durability signs since its inception. Their works portray their individuality where they showcase their artistic and aesthetic talent. They work for a variety of signs ranging from neon to vinyl graphics, channel letters, graphic designs and so on.

Apart from designing the signage that is best suited for each company, the business also offers free consultation calls. They are also offering assistance in permits that buildings require when having an installation done. Their catchy signs have won the hearts of customers from all over Chicago. The director guides the clients around and helps them in selecting the best fitting choice for their case.

Omega Sign & Lighting

Being a family brand running successfully for three consecutive generations, Omega Sign & Lighting is best known as one of the most popular sign companies in Chicago. They offer twenty-four-hour emergency repair services and are the only company in all of Chicago that provide full rappel amenities. They offer the highest quality of workmanship in the installation and manufacturing of their signs.

Their technicians are incredibly knowledgeable and possess excellent proficiency regarding anything that has to do with signage. They fabricate, as well as provide sign installation with exceptional and quality services and products. Custom signs are their best forte and they are deeply loved by the clients for their easy-going procedures.

Best Neon Sign

The company is heavily focused on giving its customers the best cost-effective solutions to all signage installations and problems.

They deliver the best signage services in Chicago and cover every field of dazzling sign lights. From LED displays, and channel lettering to customize signs, Best Neon Sign delivers their best to match their client’s company aura within their said budget. Their custom quote assists their customers in determining and selecting the specific sign type for their business.

Splendid shapes, dazzling colors, and classy and aesthetic designs are their forte in alluring customers towards their client’s business and they don’t disappoint at all!

Right Way Signs Chicago

Hand-painted signs, sign painting, LED signage, murals, neon signs, vinyl signs, ADA signage, pin-mounted lettering, large format graphics, and bronze plaques, there’s nothing that Right Way Signs cannot do right!

Being in business for over 50 years, Right Way Signs has been one of the most renowned and trusted signage companies in all of Chicago. They offer one of the best high-quality signs with different domains such as hand-painted signs, painted murals, and ghost signs.

Their designs are extremely aesthetic and pleasing to the eye and people are instantly drawn to them because of their eye-catching beauty. If you want to win the game, Right Way Signs is your place to be!

Read: How to Install Outdoor Light Fixture on Stone

How Much Does It Cost to Repair a Neon Sign?

Not all neon signs are constructed to the same quality, after all! The good news is that most neon signs can be fixed, but they must first fulfill specific requirements. Like most fixes, it all depends on what is wrong with the system and how hard it is.

A specialist can usually tell whether you have a voltage problem or if something is amiss with the transformer by looking at the symbol. If you are confident, you can also make the inevitable neon repair yourself. Leaded glass is sometimes seen in vintage neon signs.

Keep scrolling if you have a neon sign acting up or are in disrepair.

Regarding Neon Signs

Most people know that light tubes are filled with low-pressure gas, called neon tubes. When exposed to a high voltage, neon gas begins to light brilliantly. Because they provide eye-catching displays, neon signs are suitable for indoor and outdoor applications.

To keep neon signs from malfunctioning, they require simple maintenance and recharging. They must also be manufactured of high-quality materials to survive the requisite 8 to 15 years. The average life expectancy of a sign’s transformer is 5 to 7 years. In comparison, larger or higher-quality transformers can last 10 to 15 years.

Can You Fix Neon Lights?

Even though neon tubing is presented as a cost-effective and long-lasting alternative for many organizations, it does have certain downsides. The critical question is how much does it cost to repair a neon sign? Nevertheless, to address your primary point quickly, yes, neon signs can be fixed. It is worth it or not, depending on the cause of the problem and how much the specialist charges you.

Repairing a small break costs roughly $50 for neon and $60 for argon gas because the tube must be cleaned before it can be fixed. A break can frequently ruin many feet of glass, so you may be better off having a new line constructed. Mercury fumes stain the glass on earlier signs that utilized argon gas.

Is it Possible to Repair Neon Signs? – Is it worth it?

We appreciate that assuring you that you won’t have to fix your neon sign is a risky move, and we won’t state you will never have to do it. Now, let’s go back to the main topic: how much does it cost to repair a neon sign, and is it worth investing the money?

If it’s a high voltage short, the neon sign repair will cost around $350. If a faulty transformer powers the tubing, the transformer will cost about $300, and the service call will cost around $350. If the neon is broken and has to be fixed or replaced, the neon sign repair would cost about $200—the replacement cost depending on the size of the affected tube. Furthermore, the removal and restoration of the affected neon would cost around $400.

In other circumstances, if a neon sign is made of high-quality materials, the problem will be obvious. If you are confident, you can also make certain repairs yourself. Nuts and bolts may be readily removed, cleaned, and replaced with new components when required.


To keep your neon signs blazing, make the transition today. Connect with electrical professionals to obtain the best one for you if you need help selecting the perfect product or making the most of this new technology.

How do you install a lighting pole for a parking lot?

If you’re a business owner, one of the few things you need to contemplate is creating a safe work environment. One way to accomplish this is by targeting your parking lot. As a business owner, you ought to go the extra mile to guarantee that your parking lot is maintained and has proper lighting. A well-illuminated parking lot adds to the professional impression of your business. This adds a sense of security for your customers and staff alike.

To begin with, you need to choose since there is a wide variety of parking lot light poles for you to select from. For example, parking lot lighting could be floodlights, spotlights, post lights, or landscaping lights. Again though, before settling on the lighting suitable for your business premises, first review the current parking lot lighting. Later you can establish what areas need improvement, noting the light poles’ intensity, color, uniformity, cost, and energy efficiency.

Choose the right spots

Now that you’ve chosen your parking lot light pole style, pick the correct spots for the parking lot pole. The first of many steps in a parking lot light pole installation involves picking proper sites for installing the poles. Remember that the entire zone should be adequately illuminated to prevent shaded regions in parked vehicles. Hence it’s always advised to install two light poles at different ends.

Taking care with the wiring

After picking relevant spots, you should target the lighting poles’ wiring. All the wires linking the light poles must not be exposed for safety reasons. Therefore, all required wiring works must be carried out before constructing the parking lot floor. To ensure power presence at all times, a power source station must be nearby.

Strong Bases

The next step is ensuring firmness and balance for the lighting pole, for which a concrete base is a requirement. The concrete should be rich in cement to ensure its rigidity and durability. Often, the length of the pole you’re placing is used to determine the height of the pier. After this, anchor bolts are inserted on the face of the pier while putting concrete in the formwork. These anchor bolts are responsible for holding the steel pole in place.

Mount the light poles

Once you’ve affirmed that the piers are well fixed, you can move to mount the light poles. You might need crane loaders for raising the poles vertically and onto the piers. The bolts and nuts must be carefully tightened to ensure. Once the pole has been erected, you can now proceed to connect it to the electricity supply source.

Better to be safe

During the entire parking lot light pole installation, one must take certain precautions. A qualified electrician should install the lights to avoid electric shock and ere. However, if you choose to do the installation yourself, don’t forget to wear protective gloves to prevent injury while installing. If there are any indications of smoke or fire in the wires or lights, turn off all power directly and report to relevant personnel or authorities.


Lastly, since there are potential safety hazards when working with electrical elements in wet weather. It would be safer not to install this light during rough weather to avoid any electrical shock and damage.

Best Lighting Contractor in Chicago

Have you got issues with your lighting system? Busted a bulb or got a broken transformer? Or do you need a change in your lighting style and signage? Or want a maintenance service to keep your lighting and signs up to date? Whatever the issue is, Nuer lighting is here to help you keep your lights brightening the atmosphere with their brilliant glow.

Finding a reliable and professional lighting contractor in a city like Chicago can be frustrating and arduous, especially when everyone can pose as an expert nowadays. However, there is no need to stress anymore. Being rated as one of the best lighting contractor in Chicago, Nuer lighting is here to light up your dark tunnel of worries with a stress-free service!

Things We Look After

Their services cover a wide range of electrical lighting duties, which you may see from the list given below:

  • Gas station canopy lighting
  • Parking lot pole light construction
  • Indoor and Outdoor Lighting
  • Specialty lighting
  • Signage services
  • Neon lighting or signage services
  • Maintenance or repair services
  • LED digital signage lighting services
  • Channel lighting services


And a lot more! Nuer ensures to maintain the highest customer satisfaction with all of its services. It’s the reason why they are what they are today. Being one of the best lighting contractor, they go to lengths to keep the clients comfortable and content throughout the entire period of providing specific services according to their desires.

Why Not Go with the Best in the Business?

Nuer lighting works with its customers, keeping prices and power consumption into account and guaranteeing the best lighting at economical and stable rates.

LED Lighting, canopy lights, security lighting fixtures, light fittings, floodlights, and pole lights, to list a few, are the wide varieties of lights that are most desired and greatly sought after by clients.

There are many adjustable possibilities, but if there is anything you desire for your company that they don’t have, approach them. So they may tailor their vast, commercially available LED lighting solution to your specifications or come up with cost-effective lighting alternatives.

The Industry’s Rulers

Nuer lighting has been offering all forms of lighting strategies for their clients for ages, and they possess an organized and skilled crew that guarantees to provide the finest lighting services for all kinds of industries, large and small, and offer the greatest credible and budget-friendly lighting solutions for their company, allowing them to focus on providing the ideal lighting at some of the most cost-effective rates.

Nuer lighting values client contentment and goes above and beyond to guarantee that clients have the best possible service when collaborating with them. Their primary objective is to provide organizations in Chicago with the finest sustainable and inclusive lighting solutions imaginable.


Nuer lighting delivers commercial, industrial, outdoor, and indoor lighting and signage manufacturing, maintenance, and restoration services to propel your company forward. They go above and beyond to ensure that their clients’ signs and lights are always functional and attractive.

How Long Your Neon Sign Can Last

Neon signage is Americana tubes that wonderfully reflect the vintage mood of the 1930s and 1950s. Most neon signs throughout this period became so emblematic that they remain stylish to date, which is understandable. You could call them a classic. Though we’ve always witnessed those barely-alive signs which radiate a dismal glimmer or don’t operate whatsoever, they survive for a considerable period. It is never cool to do so.

Neon lighting is comprised of various components, each of which has a distinct life expectancy. But how long your neon sign can last in actuality? Continue scrolling to discover more about its lifespan.

Points to Ponder On

The lifespan of your neon sign is determined by two factors:

  • Condition of the transformer
  • Gas shelf life and color coating

The Lifespan of a Transformer

Your neon sign’s transformer should last between eight and fifteen years. The figures are totally reliant on when and how much you are using the signs. Those signs that are displayed inside, away from direct exposure, can last longer technically than those that are open to the environment on a regular basis.

Direct sunlight can harm transformers, thus if they’re installed outside and unprotected from the sunlight, they won’t last as long as interior signage. But don’t fret, there are many neon sign repair companies out there, search the reliable ones in your area!


Conventional or LED neon lights subjected to a fluctuating electricity supply, as well as flickering neon signs, have a shorter life expectancy. Whenever a neon sign flickers or blinks, the elements are susceptible to more wear and tear, shortening their lifespan. Switching from flickering and stationary is an option, and flicker options must be used cautiously.

Tubular Life

The neon signs’ brilliant neon glass tubing normally endures for eight to fifteen years. You might acquire your money’s value if you install it in the appropriate location and keep it maintained. Coatings can stay up to ten years, based on the intensity and use of the sign.

The phosphorous coverings that supply neon lights their colors do not stay forever, spanning approximately seven and ten years, nevertheless, a neon sign repair professional can recoat them. The amount and strength with which the sign is utilized can influence the coating’s life span.

Energy Source

The length of time the sign typically lasts can sometimes be impacted by faults with an inconsistent source of energy. You must alert the contractor regarding this when the sign is being installed. The system will be inspected by an expert neon sign producer to verify that it is up to par.

Make Repairs               

So how long your neon sign can last with repairs? It is feasible to repair or recoat a neon sign’s glass tube. You may also change the transformer and add extra gas. Each of these components will prolong the life of the neon sign.

Buying neon lights is the easiest approach for company owners to create that wonderfully shining entrance. If you’re one of those individuals, keep in mind that you exclusively purchase neon signs from reputable retailers. Only if you have high-quality neon signs then they are generally safe and are cost-effective.

Clean, Clean, and Clean!

The most crucial element in increasing the longevity of your signage is to care for them properly. The more grit and grime accumulates in your neon lights, the less functional they become. It will soon become unattractive and boring.

Make sure the sign is disconnected when you begin wiping it. Even though it appears to be benign, it is linked to a transformer that might deliver a jolt. A vacuum machine or sweeping with a brush such as a paint brush can be used to eradicate dust. If the signs have gotten soiled, you might have to spritz them using an ammonia-based solution and wipe the dirt away with a delicate cloth.


Nuer Lighting offers a variety of lighting solutions. Whether you’re looking for public lighting, park lights, interior lights, or industrial lights. We have it all. We also offer one on one consulting on which lights would be more suitable for your desired location. Our neon signs are the rage and we also offer repair services, it is a complete package for our customers! Not only do they get to buy, but also obtain repairing or maintenance services from the very same place. Contact us now and get your business shining!

How Much Does it Cost to Install a Parking Lot Light Pole?

In any community or region, wherever humans inhabit themselves, the need to have a significant source of light becomes necessary. In modern times, the parking lot light pole has become a basic necessity in every parking space of any facility, whether it is a restaurant, a grocery store, a company’s parking, anything. They execute a substantial function in every car park, making them safe and secure while also enhancing visibility. Crimes and other criminal activities are more prominent in dim or dark parking lots, but the presence of excellent pole lights deter them from becoming frequent. Parkers feel safer when the pole lights light up the parking lot especially when it is a desolated one.

When it comes to operating or building a parking area, there are multiple factors one has to keep in mind, especially when there is a conversion of property involved. Critical factors to consider are who one should hire, where to look for the necessary supplies and how much budget should be set to build a well-lit and secure parking lot. At times people do not estimate the parking lot light pole installation cost when they were busy managing other expenditures. Which lights to consider and how much one should spend on the installing of these light poles. The article will guide you on how much should installing a parking lot light cost.

What determines the cost of installing a light pole?

The installation cost is influenced by the nature of the project. On the exact site, establishing a single pole featuring a solar unit can probably cost somewhere around $500 to about $2500 or more, whilst adding AC lighting can also cost the same as a solar unit light pole would.

An average parking lot light pole installation cost is about 970$ and takes an approximate 13 hours to complete. The major factor determining the expense is the site or location. When the electrical cables run underground, the expenditure of the light pole would cost a few extra dollars.

What is the cost of hiring a handyman to install the lights?

Most of the installations charges are between 75$ to 175$. The price is based on the type of parking lot light pole you choose and the quality of the wirings by which the electrician will give an accurate estimate of the pricing.

How deep should the light pole be installed?

Poles are typically planted at a depth of 10% of their overall height and 2 feet. The pole should be sunk 3 feet deep and 25 feet above the ground surface.

How much should it cost to set up a light pole in a parking lot? And what is the price of having the light pole fixed?

A highway light post is projected to cost between $2,000 and $3,000 to install. An electrician may bill up to a thousand dollars to install a highway car park light.

If several poles are broken in an unfortunate circumstance, the cost of a streetlight pole or parking lot pole takedown might be as high as $4,500.


Consult Nuer Lighting today if you are looking into the cost of parking lot, highway, or street light poles so you can make the right choices for your local district. Our qualified team can provide unique estimates for just about any project involving outdoor lighting poles as well as being a brilliant source for knowledge on the varying lighting options available.

Guideline – How to Repair Neon Sign

Every year a new trend starts and is popularly followed by the masses. For a while neon lights have become a popular style of adding a nice touch to the décor and also making the signage look pretty or trendy. They have been dominating the lighting fixture market.

Signage, business marketing, artworks, and so on can all benefit from the vibrant, colorful, and attractive neon signs. Initially, all lighting was made with glass tubes for neon lights, however, after then, technological innovation has emerged.

Though we all know perfectly that neon lights give off that retro and classic look which we all appreciate, you may find it arduous to keep them functioning since they can break down or cease operating at any point. So how to repair neon sign?

We have some excellent news: we know precisely how you feel, and we’re happy to serve.

Contrary to popular belief, maintaining or fixing your neon sign is not that complicated; in fact, with the proper equipment, anyone can do it by themselves. We’ll teach you how to repair neon sign or where to seek assistance if you can’t handle it yourself in this guide.

Lights Burned Out

Sometimes some parts or sections of a neon sign or light can fuse over time, similar to any other light.

Sections Cease Functioning

Sometimes some sections of the light or sign stop operating.

Broken Transformer

At times the transformers on the signs can stop functioning or are broken.

Nuer Lighting provides neon sign repair services all over Palatine, IL, for everyone who has a non-operating sign. However, it is not difficult to repair or replace one by yourself.

Identify the Issue

It begins with an identification of the situation. Numerous complications can be encountered by neon signage. There is generally a damaged part on fluctuating neon lights, particularly ones that go off when they fluctuate or those that simply light up partially. Whenever the light flickers or is switched on, the broken area does not light up. It’s usually an indication of a faulty transformer if the light doesn’t come on at all.

Repairing a Damaged Section

Because the signs themselves are delicate, damaged parts must be treated with utmost caution. If you make one error, attempting to repair a broken section of a sign can quickly grow into having the entire sign repaired.

Remove the plug from the sign. Try to delicately unwind the broken portion. If it doesn’t untwist readily, you might have to remove the part from the insulated tube using a sharp instrument. Pay special care towards how you uninstalled the section since you’ll have to reconnect everything you detached to replace it on the signage.

Pick the appropriate part, or purchase it from the shop where you bought the sign, and gently reconnect it. Assure it’s installed correctly so all of the cables are connected. In several ways, the neon light is equivalent to a bulb, only that it has more wiring and tubes.

Repairing a Faulty Transformer

Your neon sign transformer will have to be repaired if it is faulty. Fresh transformers can end up costing around $200 in general, however, if there are no additional defects, they can significantly prolong the efficiency of your neon signage. Fixing neon sign transformers, on the other hand, necessitates a stable hand and an understanding of electrical circuitry. You may repair a faulty transformer manually by viewing a Youtube clip, or you may leave it to us and we’ll do it for you.

For Neon Sign Repair, Contact Neur Lighting

Replacement parts, a skilled touch, and expertise in wiring and electrical components are all necessary for neon sign repair. If you have neon signage that is malfunctioning or in demand of any form of service, consult Neur Lighting now. Our team is capable of resolving almost every kind of neon light issue, plus we will get your signage back in operation in no time.

Guideline About – Commercial Lighting Services

The consumption of any lighting appliances in any given location, or the watts per square foot of the lighting gear, is alluded to as the lighting power density. But, in the lighting business, it is commonly related to the lighting power allowance (LPA) permitted by the specific building energy code.

“The maximal authorized illumination intensity authorized by the code,” as per the Oregon Department of Energy. For a certain occupancy or space kind, it is measured as watts / square feet.

In today’s extremely modern world, taking a minute to step aside to examine the quality of the equipment can sometimes be tough. Poor commercial lighting services can impact an industrial company, causing safety audits to be bypassed or inventory pickup cycles to be increased in a production setting.

The lighting arrangement should never end up causing any mishap anywhere it is installed. Even though many property administrators are conscious of the fact that existing lighting needs to be maintained or updated, identifying where and how to commence can be challenging. We’ve demonstrated the significance of converting to commercial LED business lighting solutions to aid consumers to make their choices.

Health Safety

Either low, dim or inadequate light or excessively bright light can cause a terrible strain for us. We face difficulties in doing normal routine tasks when the lighting is too harsh or barely makes the front visible to our eyes. This results in numerous eyesight issues and also causes lethargy.

Design Versatility

LEDs are exceptionally small. In a nutshell, they can be utilized in almost any setting. Traditionally, they have been used as circuit indicator bulbs. If you put a bunch of lights together, you get a typical light bulb. A row or thread of lights is created by combining a line of LED lights, much like a chain of fairy lights.

Avoidance of Mishaps

Whether it is in an industrial plant, a workplace, a house, public places, or general restaurants and streets, mishaps or accidents are prone to take place. Especially if the lighting system is not top-notch in such crucial places. Errors in judgment in the factories, incidents involving critical injuries or accidents in areas where there is poor illumination are hazardous for everyone present. Commercial lighting services must consist of a high standard and adequate lighting wherever installed. A place with excellent lighting prevents calamities from taking place. Investing in proper and highly professional services can save a lot of energy, time, and money in the long run.

Ability to Work in Extremely Cold Environments

The effects of cooler temperatures on standard commercial electrical services and systems are profound. When the temperature falls and the quality of the brightness reduces, fluorescent lights require a greater voltage to burn.
LED lights, on the other hand, function around 5% better in cooler temperatures. For lighting in refrigerators, meat freezers, cold storage areas, and fridge display cases, LED lights are a better option.


Commercial LED lighting system is much more power-saving and long-lasting than typical fluorescent lighting equipment. As a consequence, most commercial establishments are aiming to substitute and correspondingly reserve expenditure on energy and maintenance through utilizing LED lighting systems. This expense conserving may be influential enough to certify the lighting upgrade.

Picture the amount of money that could be saved if the augmented facility and public location lighting system culminated in a 1 percent advancement in productivity.

Benefits of Pylon Signs Why Their Routine Maintenance is so Crucial?

In order to remain competitive in today’s business environment, you need to implement the right kind of marketing strategy. Signage has a crucial role to play in this aspect. Today, many enterprises invest in pylon signs to attract customers to their business. A pylon sign is usually made of a lightbox cabinet that is mounted on a tall pole. Illuminated LED signs on these poles are visible from a distance, giving your business the proper exposure. This is one the best type of marketing one can arrange. There are several benefits of pylon monument signs.

Benefits of Pylon Monument Signs

Whether a big or small business, pylon monument signs are a perfect advertising tool. Pylon signs gives several benefits, some of the benefits it offers are:

Benefits in Visibility

Since the pylon sign’s height is one of the most notable benefits, it is an ideal option for a business, especially if you have a large property.

Use it as a Landmark

Installing a pylon monument sign on the road leading to your property is an excellent way to create a brand impact.

Highway Pylon Signs Advertisement

Because they are tall and attractive to be noticed from a distance, it makes pylon a great form of highway advertising.

If you want to get the most out of your signage, you need to perform routine pylon monument sign repair and maintenance. Even the signage made from the highest quality materials can deteriorate.

Weather plays a significant role in the breakdown of outdoor signs. However, with proper maintenance, you can avert some of the sign damages. Professional sign companies can repair different kinds of the outdoor sign without any issues.

Things to know about Outdoor Sign Repair:

When you decide to get your outdoor signage repaired by a professional, they need some information. For instance, the expert may want to inspect the signs to figure out what needs to be done to restore the signage to its best condition. They will consider a few things, including:

Types of Signages

There are different types of outdoor signages. The most common repair is the commercial types that have acrylic faces that fade over time or crack. Some signs have broken electrical elements that require replacement.

Pylon signs require specialty equipment because of the height. Moreover, pylon signs that are in poor condition pose a safety threat to those passing by below.

Exterior Illumination

One of the most common reasons businesses look for outdoor signage repair is a fault in electrical components. There are many reasons that lead to blown bulbs, flickering, or other issues.

Because electrical work is complicated, you shouldn’t attempt to troubleshoot the problem by yourself. In such a situation, it is always best to hire a professional sign repair service.

Plastics and Paint

Weather, vandalism, and old age can break the paints and plastics on your signage down. Even if the damage is not a significant one, it will get worse over time. After that, your business will look less professional and welcoming.

Although you can maintain your outdoor sign by washing them off with soap and water, only a professional signage service can restore the sign in the best possible way.

It is essential to protect the piece of your marketing and brand identity. Since outdoor signage can be repaired and replaced, you shouldn’t let the issue get worse.

For an effective and affordable pylon monument sign repair, contact a professional signage company.

What Are The Things You Must Consider When Looking For The Right Sign Company?

Whether you have moved your business to a new location, or you have noticed that your sign is getting outdated, or you think that it needs some repair work in order to showcase your company name proudly to all your customers, then you definitely want to ensure that you choose the right signage company that also provides sign repair services, and make the necessary changes to your damaged sign.

Over the last decade or so, the number of signage companies has been increasing due to the increase in demand. Business owners, especially smaller ones, usually don’t have enough time to spare that they can work with an unreliable vendor who doesn’t understand the specific requirements of the business. This is why it is essential that you choose a reliable and competent sign company, capable enough to tackle all your signage problems.

Things To Consider When Looking For Sign Company

In order to help you make the right choice when it comes to sign repair services, we have compiled a list of a few important things you must take into consideration.

  • Reputation of the company:

    One of the first things you should consider when looking for the right signage company is if the company has a good reputation among its customers. You must ensure that you look at their portfolio and find out the kind of services that they provide to their customers. You can know a lot about a sign company by heading to their website and reading the reviews left by their previous customers. In this way, you would get a clearer idea of what to expect from them.

  • Customer service:

    Another important thing that you must take into consideration before hiring a signage company is the kind of customer service they provide. There are certain questions that you must find the answers to. Questions like, are the staff members friendly to their customers when they call for any queries? Do they respond to the request of their customers in a timely manner? Do they genuinely care about the customer’s wants and requirements? By paying attention to little details and finding out the answers to all these questions, you can be a better judge of the company and find a company that satisfies you the most.

  • Kinds of services offered:

    Working with a one-stop sign company that provides every other kind of service associated with signs eliminates the need to work with different companies for different services. And if you work with a single company, it tends to speed up the process for everyone. So, another important thing to consider is to find out if the company you are looking to do business with offers the service that you want, whether it is installing new signage or repairing your old sign. You can figure that out by heading over to the internet and researching about the company.

By keeping in mind the above-mentioned things, you are likely to find the right signage company and get your sign installed or repaired, as per your requirements.


Benefits of Hiring a Professional Electrician to Brighten Up Your Place

Are you looking to install a new electric and lighting system or want to redesign your lighting system at your facility? These jobs are not as easy as they seem and require a high level of skill and years of experience to design a system for efficient and cost-effective performance. If you do not have the required skills or want to save costs on your lighting project, it’s time to think about hiring professional electric lighting services to finish the job for you because there are an numerable benefits of hiring an professional electrician or company.

Benefits of Hiring Electrician

Professional electricians and lighting experts can have a huge impact on the outcome of your investment in your lighting project. Whether it is for your office, home, parking lot, gas station, or retail store, professionals can help you meet your expectations in your budget without compromising the quality of products and services. Here are the top reasons why hiring a professional electric and lighting service provider is the right decision for your project.

They do a site survey before kick-starting any project.

When you contact a professional lighting services provider, they schedule a date to conduct a site survey as per your availability. On the scheduled date, a team of experts visits your place to take a look at your facility and understand your lighting requirements. It helps them identify the right places to install lights and other electric equipment for efficient and effective system installation.

Hiring electrician benefits in creating a detailed plan for your project.

After a thorough site survey, the lighting company creates a detailed plan based on the findings and submits it to the clients. It includes a complete schematic diagram of the site mentioning all the places suitable locations to install lights and wiring elements. They also mention the project timeline and budget required to finish a lighting project as per your specific requirements.

They understand lighting requirements for all kinds of settings.

The best part of working with a professional lighting service provider that you don’t need to think about what kind of lighting system will best suit your facility requirement. Professional lighting experts understand who you need to maximize the effectiveness of your lights and other elements to achieve the best results. They can help you with all kinds of interior and exterior lighting needs to brighten up your place for the comfort of people for all kinds of functional requirements.

Hiring electrician benefits in choosing the best lighting products

A professional lighting expert also focuses on saving your energy bills while keeping up with the beauty and appearance of your place. They help you choose eco-friendly and energy-saving lighting products to reduce your monthly energy bills and long-lasting performance.

They offer routine maintenance and repair services.

Designing and installing a lighting system is not a one-time job, you will need occasional support and assistance to repair and maintain your lighting system to keep things up and shining. Professional service providers offer repair and maintenance services to their clients as per their requirements after the project completion as part of their services.

So, these are the most common reasons why hiring professional electric lighting services is the right decision for any of your projects. If you are looking for lighting experts in Chicago and nearby areas in the USA, NUER Lighting can help you with all kinds of residential and commercial electrical and lighting services ranging from a new installation to remodeling, and upgrades at your facility.

Reasons Why You Should Invest In Regular Maintenance of Your Electrical System!

There are various aspects that are considered to be important for running any commercial or industrial property, but electricity is arguably the most critical part, especially when it comes to running daily operations. It doesn’t matter what kind of industry your business is in, the electrical system in your property is integral and decisive to what you do in the workplace each day.

Being so essential to your daily tasks, it is easy for you to take the electrical system in your workplace for granted. However, you must remember the fact that your electrical system can prove to be as dangerous as it is useful. It is extremely important to know that the electrical system is totally safe and reliable at all times, and the only way to ensure that is to get it maintained regularly with the help of professional electric lighting services.

lighting service

If you own any business or commercial property and you are still not convinced that you should invest in regular maintenance of your electrical system, then the following are some of the reasons that would help you change your mind about it.

  • Safety of your property:
    It is your responsibility as the owner of the commercial property to keep your property and everyone working in it safe at all times. One way to ensure that is to make sure that your electrical system receives maintenance service on a regular basis, helping you to keep your property safe from any electrical hazards.


  • Keep your electrical tool reliable:
    All the electrical tools in your property are most likely quite important for your daily business operations. All the appliances, machines, and outlets that you rely on daily should be well-maintained so that you can keep all the equipment safe to use and reliable in times of need. By hiring a commercial electric lighting service for maintenance, you tend to extend the lifespan of all your electrical tools and equipment.


  • Save money in the long run:
    Being a business owner, you always have one eye at the bottom line, looking for ways to make your business more profitable. So, it is natural for you to think that spending money on electric lighting services for your system, which is working just fine, to be an extravagant expenditure. However, by keeping that frame of mind you are missing the whole point of commercial electrical maintenance services, which is important to save some money. By keeping your electrical system well-maintained regularly, you would notice that it doesn’t need as much repair works that cost a whole lot more than maintenance services.


  • No disruptions in your business:
    You would want your business to work like a well-oiled machine all the time. If there is any disruption in the electrical system, there are bound to be disruptions in production, which would cost your business some losses. However, by maintaining your electrical system regularly, you would prevent such disruptions from occurring.

By now, you must have had a change of heart and decided to start setting up maintenance services for your electrical system on a regular basis. However, you must ensure that you hire a reliable and experienced commercial electric lighting service provider in order to get the best out of it.

Significance of Maintaining Parking Lot Pole Light

Parking lot lighting can impact how your customers and clients see your business. A well-lit commercial space will draw the attention of customers and potentially escalate revenue. By contrast, a poorly lit facility will decrease consumer’s overall feelings of security, preventing them from entering your premises at night. This could affect your business and cost valuable customers.

parking lot pole light repair Because a well-lighted parking lot is crucial, you should work with a parking lot pole light repair service that can maintain or fix your current poles or install new pole lights altogether. A professional company can evaluate your current parking lot lighting solution, the total cost of maintenance and repairs, and provide you with recommendations and pricing options.

Let’s take a look at the importance of maintaining parking lot pole light:

  1. Prevent Crimes

As compared to the day times, crimes usually occur more in the night times. That’s because a well-lit day deters the criminals from attempting wrong things, as surveillance is easier. However, the nighttime increases the confidence of the ill-doers. In such a circumstance, a well-lit pole lighting in a parking lot can make a huge difference. Thus, it is essential to repair or install quality pole lighting in your parking lots.

  1. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

The pole lighting company you hire should be eco-friendly and sustainable. The contractor should ensure that you receive the service regarding pole lighting that satisfies you and is not a burden on the environment.

To maintain your parking lot lighting for a long time, choose energy-renewable options, such as LED lighting solutions. Also, there will be a wide range of products in pole lighting construction fixation for you.

  1. Low Energy Cost

If you fix your existing lighting poles or replace your old and faulty equipment, your energy output and power consumption would prove to be cost-effective. Replacing faulty lights or traditional light with high-efficiency LED lights can cut your utility cost by around 50%.

Your parking lot light poles are one of the most crucial aspects of your premises. They enhance the safety and security of your customers, clients, and employees. Working with a parking lot pole light repair service can benefit you a lot, as they will offer you:

  • Timely repair of parking lot lighting outages
  • Lighting replacement as required
  • Well-lit parking lot lights

The Bottom Line

Don’t leave the safety of your employees and customers and the appearance of your parking lot in hands of an unprofessional maintenance service provider. Contact a licensed electrical contractor who can install and fix your parking lot lighting to ensure the job is done right the first time.

Why Should You Hire Professionals for Signage Installation and Repair?

Signage or signboards are a great way to advertise your business and let people know about your presence in the locality. They come in different designs, shapes, sizes, and functionality to meet all kinds of business requirements in a variety of settings. You can select from a variety of options available as per your unique requirements to promote your services, share news, and other business-related messages with your potential consumers.SIGN REPAIRSignage services are available for different kinds of business needs such as new signboard design, installation, maintenance, and repair services. Whether you are looking to install new signage for your retail store or gas station price signs repair services, a professional signage service provider in your region can help you with the best industrial solutions. Using DIY methods to install or repair your signboards can be very risky and result in costly repairs. Here’re the top reasons why you should hire professional signage services for your business:

Find the right signboards for your business

Professional signage service providers work with a variety of businesses and understand what works best for each of them. With industrial knowledge and experience, they can help you find the right signage for our business to boost your brand value and visibility.

Design sign boards as per your custom requirements

Working with professionals means you have the access to their design and manufacturing services. You can select a signboard design from an existing catalog or ask them to design and manufacture brand new signage with custom settings and styles. You can add custom colors, fonts, visuals, and business logos for personalized brand value in the market.

Complete range of services under one roof

A professional signage company provides a complete range of services to meet all kind of demands to keep you signboards up and functional all the time. From designing to manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and repair, you can rely on them for all your signage requirements for end-to-end solutions.

Scheduled maintenance and repair services

Professional signage service providers offer scheduled maintenance and repair services to their clients to ensure that signboards are up and running 24/7. You can easily schedule an emergency repair service with your signage partner to repair signboards in case there is any damage or issue with your signboard. Routine checkups and maintenance is the best way to keep your signboards lighten up all the time.

So, these are the key benefits that you can avail of when they partner with a professional signage company in your region. Professionals can help you with your signboard design, replacement, and installation of a new signboard, or gas station price signs repair services on demand to keep your business up and running 24/7 without any loss.

Brighten Things at your Store with Professional Grocery Store Lighting Services

Lightings at a grocery or retails store have a significant role in providing an easy and comfortable shopping experience to the shoppers. Grocery store lights are not only about bulbs and tube lights on the walls and ceilings, they are more than that. The right kind of lighting is also essential to improve the look of your meat counters, freezer, and refrigeration cases. Owners need to manage the right composition in different areas depending on their accessibility and usability.

grocery store

When you are planning to renovate your store or just want to upgrade your old lighting fixtures, it’s better to hire a professional electrical and lighting service provider in your region for a complete range of services with professional expertise. Someone with experience in Grocery stores light repair, installation, and maintenance can be your best choice to brighten things at your store.

Reasons to hire Professional grocery store lighting services

They help you design a custom lighting environment

It is very important to understand the purpose of different areas in your store and design your lighting needs as per your requirements. You need to place the right light fixtures in the right places to brighten up every part of your store. An experienced grocery store lighting service provider understands where and what kind of light you need for a convenient shopping experience.

They help you find the right light fixtures

You will need different types of light fixtures for walls, ceilings, counters, freezers, and refrigeration cases for the most comfortable and productive environment. Appropriate light fixtures at the right places ensure shoppers can locate items effortlessly.

They help you with sustainable and efficient lighting products

Professional lighting service providers help you find sustainable and efficient lighting products for your store to reduce your energy bills. LED lights are best for all kinds of lighting needs in different areas of your store. They come in different designs, shapes, power ratings, light intensity, and colors to light up different areas as per your requirements. Benefits of LED lights include:

  • Energy saving
  • Lower energy bills
  • Longer life span
  • Better light intensity and brightness
  • Withstand extreme weather condition
  • Less harmful
  • Environment-friendly
  • Cost-effective

They provide a complete range of services

When you partner with a professional lighting service provider in your region to brighten up your retails store, it will be beneficial for you in the long run. Professional services offer a full range of services, including installation, maintenance, repair, and emergency support to keep all your light fixtures and network up and running all the time. It is a cost-effective and smart way to meet your lighting needs professionally.

These are the most common reasons why you should consider hiring professional electrical and lighting service provider to brighten up your store. If you are looking for grocery stores light repair or complete renovation and new installation of your lighting network in Chicago, contact us at NUER Lighting for affordable and personalized services. We offer a complete range of services in almost every area in Chicago, and you contact us anytime to discuss your requirements.

How Lighting Fixtures Enhance Customer Experience in Supermarket

Supermarkets and grocery stores have to offer a pleasant shopping experience to boost sales and make customers satisfied. Innovative lighting can help illuminate the stores effectively and help them to be more productive.

The design and interior of the supermarket can influence a customer’s purchase decision. However, lighting also plays a significant role in this. Proper lighting can impact workplace functionality and overall customer experience. Moreover, grocery store light repair services can fix major and minor lighting inconveniences and complaints.grocery lightingHere we’ll see how the right lighting fixtures in grocery stores can lead to an improved customer experience.

Improves the Aesthetics

Old-fashioned fluorescent tubes will make your grocery store look dull and dingy. Keep in mind that lighting can change the atmosphere of any space. A perfectly and aesthetically lit supermarket will attract more customers. Good lighting can also impact the mindset of the consumers. It will likely make them shop for a long period, which will increase their potential purchase. Thus, there will be increased sales.

Better Shopping Experience

When you opt for the right lighting fixtures for your grocery store, you make the whole place look bright and new. Customers will feel more comfortable and excited to shop in your clean-looking supermarket.

The color of lighting can also enhance the presentation of the food items. It can make them look fresher and appealing. This, in turn, leads to improved sales of the products.

Preserves Food

Using LED lighting solutions in your grocery store will be beneficial for UV-sensitive and meat products. Because LED lighting emits low IR and UV radiation, it can be valuable for keeping the food products fresh. In addition, LED lights have an antibacterial effect on foodborne pathogens.

Reduced Costs and Better Life Expectancy

Your grocery stores will need constant lighting to keep up with the sales. Therefore, it is crucial to invest in solutions that are energy efficient. The initial cost of LED lights will be higher than the traditional lighting. But in the long run, you will save a lot more thanks to their high durability, energy efficiency, and versatility.

Because of the superior fixture construction and energy efficiency, LED lighting can operate 25 times longer than other lighting alternatives.

There are a few areas within the supermarket where lighting is crucial:

  • Aisles

In supermarkets, aisles occupy most of the space; thus, it needs more visibility to help the customers to navigate. Install the lighting fixtures in such a way that minimum shadows are restricting the view of the item.

  • The Counter

In the counter area, you need lighting fixtures that offer high visibility and comfort. That’s because this is the place where most of the detail-oriented tasks are carried out.

  • Back Room

Although the back room is not related to customer-attraction point of view, it is as essential as other places in the supermarket.  It is a place where staff performs vital tasks. When installing a lighting fixture in this area, keep practicality in mind.

Well, now you know how crucial lighting fixtures are for your supermarket. Thus, you must utilize them in the best way possible. Today, you can find many grocery store light repair and installation services that offer efficient LED lighting solutions for commercial needs.

Choosing the Best Material for Your Outdoor Signage

For any business, signage is an excellent investment. Companies have been using signage to attract and intrigue the eyes of the passer-by. You can apply different forms of tactics with outdoor signage to attract new customers and lure them from the competition by highlighting your new products or services.

Different Types of Outdoor Signs:

  • Pole signs
  • Illuminated sign boxes
  • Banners
  • Channel Letters
  • LED signage

LED outdoor signs are an effective way to increase foot traffic inside an establishment and advertise a business. These signs have several advantages. Their brightness allows them to be clearly visible even in the daylight, and they are much brighter than other illuminated signs. Moreover, outdoor LED signs are customizable; thus, allowing you to change the sign’s message.

sign repair services

There are many choices when it comes to selecting the material for an outdoor sign. Here are some of the factors that will help you choose the best sign material for outdoor signage.

  1. Weather

Weather is an essential consideration for outdoor signs. You don’t want your signage to get damaged in the storm. Thus, it is crucial to protect your outdoor sign from harsh conditions. That’s why you need to consider the local climate.

Select a material that is resistant to the environments it will encounter. Fortunately, signage services have a wide range of options to help you get signs that will remain intact for a longer period.

  1. Repair

Even the most durable material will stop functioning at one point. Thus, you need to prepare for potential damage. You should investigate the kind of damage each medium is prone to. In addition, you should find you out whether it is possible to repair the sign. If it is, work with sign repair services.

  1. Cleaning and Maintenance

When you install the outdoor sign and not maintain it, you reduce its lifespan. A dust storm can leave your signage covered in dust and debris. Therefore, consider the material that is low maintenance and easy to clean.

  1. Life expectancy

Although choosing a material that will last longer is an ideal choice, it is not always the case. You may need to use signs for a short period of time, like for promotional events. So, it is better to select the product that will suit your timeline.

  1. Cost

The material you’re considering should fit your budget. Generally, higher quality material will cost more. So, try to find a balance between choosing the best product but making sure that it will be a reasonable solution for your business.

Tips to Protect your Outdoor Signs

  • Install shelter over your signs
  • Install the signage in less exposed spots.
  • Mount the signs where it will be less vulnerable
  • Install cooling systems for your digital and electronic signage.

The Bottom Line

There are several factors you need to consider when you’re planning to install outdoor signage. It is better to work with a sign repair and upgrade service that can advise you on creating the best signage solution for your business.

How to Make the Most of Your Parking Lot Lighting Maintenance Plan?

Simply having a good commercial building is not enough for most businesses, almost every other organization pays heed to that aspect of their business. But what many business owners undermine is the importance of having a good parking lot lighting design. Believe it or not but your parking lot lighting tends to serve many vital roles for the success of your business and attracting more customers.

Having a good parking lot pole light design provides safety, security, aesthetic appeal, as well as convenience benefits. Particularly during the winter season, with lesser daylight hours, the parking lot lights in your commercial property enable you to welcome your customers even after the sun has gone down. This is why it is important to invest in regular parking lot pole light repair and maintenance services. Instead of waiting for something major to happen to your parking lot lights, keep maintaining them on a regular basis and repair them if they show any sign of minor damage.

If you decide to implement a maintenance plan in order to meet your parking lot lighting requirements, then the following are some of the helpful tips for you to get the best return on your investment.

  • Understand lighting characteristics:
    First and foremost, you must be aware of the fact that all lighting is not created equal. Different kinds of light bulbs and fixtures tend to produce different kinds of light, different levels of energy consumption, and different visual effects. All these aspects directly affect your utility costs. So, instead of just replacing the burned-out bulbs, understand the different lighting characteristics to choose the one and ensure that you are getting the best value.
  • Regular inspections of lights:
    Parking lot pole lights are susceptible to damage from poor weather conditions as well as by ordinary wear and tear. By investing in regular inspections, you would be able to identify the areas that need repairs so that you can resolve them before they turn into something major and much more expensive.
  • Maintain parking lot pole lights and fixtures:
    Even if you choose the best light bulbs, they would not give you the best results if you don’t pair them with the right kind of parking lot lighting poles and fixtures. If you have the right parking lot pole light along with the right fixture, then you would have a lighting design that distributes light abundantly, maximizes efficiency, and minimizes light pollution.
  • Measure the lighting levels:
    Don’t believe your naked eyes when it comes to measuring the lighting levels of your parking lot. You should invest in a light meter instead, or hire a lighting professional who uses one. With the help of this device, take readings of all the areas of the parking lot in order to accurately capture the variations based on lighting placements and obstacles such as buildings, signs, and trees. According to the result, make the appropriate adjustments and get the optimal levels of uniformity, brightness, and efficiency.

So, get in touch with a reliable parking lot pole light repair and maintenance service and get the most of the regular maintenance plan.

Choose To Install A Neon Light Sign For Your Business And Enjoy The Benefits!

Is your business running kind of dull at the moment, with just a minimal amount of sales and customers? If yes, then you should consider literally lighting up your business and figuratively your life at the same time, with the help of a neon light sign.

Believe it or not, neon signs are known to be quite an influential tool when it comes to attracting more customers to your business. As a result, these signs tend to put you ahead of your competition and give you a competitive edge over other retailers. This is because neon light signs don’t only give your business more exposure but also generate more buzz.

It is a well-known fact that visibility is one of the major factors that affect the success of any business. Your company should be prominent from afar and grab the attention of prospective customers. This is why you must pay special attention to coming up with appealing logos, designs, and taglines. Another important factor that you should not shrug off is the lighting. Neon light signs, as mentioned earlier, are known to be an integral part of visible marketing that can have a lasting impact on each person who passes by your business.

The following are some of the significant benefits associated with installing neon light signs for your business.

  • Nighttime functionality:
    Neon light signs have been around for decades now and are used as one of the unconventional ways to advertise brands and companies. These kinds of signs are particularly important if your business sees most of its traffic during the late hours of the night. Neon light signs tend to make it easier for your customers to spot your store from a distance and also to help them remember where it is exactly. This is due to the fact that the human eye gets naturally attracted to luminous objects, especially when it is dark.
  • Highly power-efficient:
    If you invest in a light sign for your business, you must be looking for a cost and energy-efficient solution. In order to maximize profit, most businesses look for solutions that give them maximum output for minimum investment. For such business owners, neon lights are the ideal solution because of the fact that they draw less energy from the source as compared to traditional lights. This because neon lights produce light energy only when gas interacts with electricity.
  • Flexible:
    Apart from being highly durable and power-efficient, neon light signs also have a huge tolerance for burnouts and power surges. They are flexible when it comes to voltage and power sources used. This is simply due to the fact that they don’t have any filament; instead, they have electrodes that don’t heat up. Hence, you can rest assured that your neon light sign would not blow up due to excessive voltage.

These were just some of the many benefits associated with having neon lights signs for your business. Moreover, they are quite easy to repair too. All you need to do is call a reliable neon light sign repair company and you would have a light sign which is as good as new.

Top 4 Tips to Maintain Your Business Signage

In the modern world, developing a solid branding strategy is a crucial aspect of business growth. A critical factor of an efficient marketing strategy is the visual representation of the brand. It includes the façade of the storefront and the business signage.

A business sign is one of the expensive investments you are going to make in terms of marketing. This marketing tool allows your customer to know who you are and what you offer. Apart from installing the best signage for your storefront, it is equally essential to ensure that your sign is well-maintained and functioning properly all the time.

Hiring professional sign repair services can be your first step in caring for your business sign.

Here are some tips to take care of your signage.

  1. Clean Your Electrical Signage

When your signage has any electrical issues, contact a sign repair company. The maintenance guy will probably open the body of the sign and figure out the problem.

Dirt, debris, and insects can cause damage to the equipment by covering the holes made for water drainage. Standing water can shot out your electrical signage. Thus, it is better that you have the electrical sign inspected regularly.

  • Install a Shade Over Your Signage

By installing a shade over your business sign can increase the lifespan of the signage. It will protect your signage from rain, snow and other extreme weather conditions. You may think that it is a bit of heavy investment, but it will pay off in the long run.

  • Change Burned-Out Lights

Burnt-out lights on a sign are a serious issue. It can harm your business image. You don’t want your business sign to spell out something other than what it suppose to do.

As the lights signs run throughout the day, the light will burn out at some point. The main reason could be the low-quality light or non-LED lighting technology. Keep an eye on your sign, and make sure to replace the bulbs, batteries, or the entire signage if you notice that the lights are burnt out.

  • Protect the Foundation

Never ignore the importance of the foundation of your business sign. Always keep an eye on the standing water and dirt at the base of the signage. Make sure that after the rain, water sheds away from the sign and doesn’t puddle up near it. The best solution is to add a trench near your signage, as it will help direct water away from it.

A well-maintained and attractive-looking sign is the way to keep your customer loyal to your brand. The most convenient way to handle sign repair, maintenance, or replacement is through hiring a professional sign repair service.

Before you work with a sign repair company, make sure they provide quality signage services in your area.  

Increase Safety and Security with Right Parking Lot lighting Maintenance Plan

A good parking lot lighting design plays a pivotal role in enhancing your business reputation and increasing your customer service. It offers convenience, aesthetic appeal, and safety and security benefits. Especially during winters, with fewer daylight hours, parking lot lights enable to welcome customers after the dark hours.

That is why it essential to maintain your parking lot lighting system. If you want to replace or repair your lighting fixtures, make sure you contact professional parking lot light repair services. 

Reasons for Maintaining Parking Lot Lights:

  • Make a Good Impression:

The parking lot is often your first impression for motorists and pedestrians who pass by your premises. Dim lighting can reflect badly on your business image. On the other hand, quality lighting makes the right impression on customers and passers-by.

  • Better Safety

Parking lots often have some hazards that could lead to trip or slip and fall accident. These include cracks, hold, uneven surfaces, or bumps. There may be slippery substances, including oil leaks from cars, ice, or snow. Good lighting will make it easier to see these hazards and avoid a mishap.

  • Better Security

Poor-Quality lighting offers a hiding-spot for burglars, vandals, and other wrongdoers. Quality lighting and CCTV cameras can help to deter criminal incidents and make it easier to identify perpetrators.

How to Get Most Out of Parking Lot Light Repair and Maintenance?

Here are some tips to get the most on your ROI:

  • Conduct Regular Inspection

Poor weather conditions and normal wear and tear can damage both light bulbs and poles. Regular inspection will help identify areas in need of repair.

  • Understand Lighting Characteristics

Different light fixtures create different kinds of light, visual effects, and energy consumption levels, which affect your utility costs. You will be able to get the best value by becoming familiar with different lighting characteristics.

  • Measure Levels of Parking Lot Lighting

Take readings throughout the parking lot to capture variations based on lighting placement. Treat your parking lot light system as a whole, and make adjustments to give the optimal level of brightness, uniformity, color rendition, and efficiency.

  • Maintain Lighting Fixtures and Poles

The right light bulbs won’t give you the lighting you need if there are not paired with the right parking lot lighting fixtures and poles. A good parking lot light pole, with the appropriate fixture, distributes light where you need it, maximizes efficiency, and minimizes glare and light pollution.

  • Type of Bulb You Should Use:

A) LED parking lot lights are efficient, durable, and power up quickly.

B) Mercury vapor bulbs have a good life but give off a blue-green light, which diminishes with age and yields poor color rendition.

C) High-pressure sodium bulbs are efficient, but they produce a yellow-amber light, which shows colors poorly.

D) Low-pressure sodium bulbs have a short lamp life and yield poor color rendition but are efficient.

E) Metal halide bulbs produce good color rendition but only moderate efficiency.

Whether you want to repair a parking lot light or need to replace the old lighting fixtures with LED lighting, get in touch with a reliable light maintenance company.

Why Should Your Gas Station Shift to LED Canopy Lighting?

Over the past decade, canopy lighting has significantly improved and transitioned from HID, pulse-start, and fluorescent lighting to more economical, energy-efficient, and popular LED lighting. Before we start digging deeper, let’s first check out what exactly canopy lighting means.

What is canopy lighting?

Canopy lighting is the outdoor lighting that is typically pendant, recessed, or surface-mounted to a structure’s overhang, ceiling, or soffit. This type of lighting is particularly used for illuminating a myriad of areas that are frequented by pedestrians and vehicles. As such, they are most often used in hotel canopies, parking canopies, gas stations, and similar places.

gas station canopy light

In this post, we will discuss gas station canopy lighting in brief.

Canopy Lighting in Gas Stations

All of us are well-aware of the fact that petroleum is a highly combustible hydrocarbon that is also carcinogenic. Thus, one of the major concerns when it comes to handling hazardous compounds like petrol or diesel is the possibility of ignition by electric devices and machines. Lighting fixtures installed close to petroleum storage tanks must be equipped with the necessary safety features; otherwise, they can become the source of explosion if they create sparks during operation.

Most commercial lighting fixtures, including canopy lights, utilize high-intensity discharge lamps like metal halide, high-pressure sodium, and mercury vapor lamps. These are still found where the gas station buildings are really old. Some industrial and commercial applications use fluorescent lamps. However, traditional canopy lights have drawbacks that make them very inefficient and less safe for places like gas stations. Traditional canopy lighting fixtures are still in use today at some places and as a result, gas stations have to pay heavy bills of electricity and maintenance.

LED Canopy Lighting – The Solution to Drawbacks of Traditional Canopy Lighting

The LED versions of canopy lighting are designed to replace their fragile and energy-consuming counterparts. Plus, they also eliminate the need for high-maintenance and electrical requirements of traditional lighting fixtures. Besides, retrofit LED canopy lights utilize existing mounting hardware and easily align with the existing bolt holes for easy and quick installation. The best part is that lighting fixture upgrades can be done one step at a time and the lighting format and style will still be consistent throughout the gas station facility. Modern LED canopy lighting solutions can withstand the demanding conditions of an outdoor environment and a place with hazardous elements like gas stations. They have efficient IP rating and consume lower energy, and prevent expensive maintenance costs.

Why Shift from Traditional Canopy Lighting to LED Canopy Lighting?

  • LED canopy lights have a longer life span as they can last up to 100,000 hours (11 years) on continuous operation.
  • LED lights don’t contain toxic chemicals which are typically found in conventional bulbs. As such, they are environment-friendly.
  • They are made of sturdy components, and therefore, they can withstand harsh weather conditions.
  • They offer sufficient distribution of light, frequent switching, and instant illumination.
  • Low-voltage power supply makes them easy to use in outdoor settings.

Thus, making a transition from traditional to LED canopy lighting will benefit your gas station more and also save you from the hassle of high-maintenance. If you are also planning for this beneficial transition, seek reliable gas station canopy light services only from a contractor that has rich experience and knowledge in commercial and industrial lighting projects.

What Factors Should You Consider While Hiring Electric and Lighting Services?

Electrical systems and lightings are the most vital part of any residential or commercial place. Today, they are the basic life needs throughout a day to manage various tasks. An electric system is the energy source for lightings, appliances, and other electrical instruments and machinery. Without an electric source, they are just a piece of decoration with no functional use. That is why keeping your electrical and lighting system up and running is essential to avoid any inconvenience in your daily activity.

 At the end of the day, any electrical or lighting system can break down, and you need to repair them immediately to keep things running. Doing it yourself without any knowledge and experience can be very risky and dangerous. It is where professional electric and lighting services come into the picture. They help with installation, repair, and maintenance for residential as well as commercial needs.

When you look for commercial lighting and electrical services in your region, partner with a professional and experienced company for quality and reliable services. You should look for the following factors while searching for the right electric and lighting services for your needs:

Experience matters

The first thing you should look for is the experience of the company in the industry, and what is its market reputation. An experienced service provider understands all kinds of scenarios while installing, maintenance, and remodeling any electrical or lighting network. They recommend the most appropriate solutions as per your requirements without causing any further damage to your system.

Full-service company

When you don’t know what is the real issue or problem in your electric or lighting system, it is always a good idea to hire a full-service company for the complete solution. Professional experts analyze your system to identify the existing problem and recommend the solution base on their findings. A full-service company provides a complete range of solutions whether you want a new installation, maintenance, repair, or remodeling works.

Trained and qualified technicians

Electrical services require professional skills and knowledge to perform their duties safely. Make sure that a company works with a team of trained and qualified technicians to offer specialized services as per your requirements. It reduces the chance of any further damage or risk during the installation or maintenance work.

24/7 and emergency services

When you run a commercial facility, you need to keep things running 24/7 and any downtime can lead to business loss. Make sure to hire commercial lighting and electrical services that offer emergency services on demand and can reach you within minutes.

Affordable and efficient solutions

Work with a company that guarantees to use high-quality and energy-efficient products and services for better output. It will help you decrease your energy bills with energy-saving upgrades and solutions.

If you are looking for affordable and efficient electric lighting services in Chicago, contact us at NUER Lighting for quality and reliable services for the best performance. We offer scheduled and emergency services to fulfill all kinds of demands for the highest level of customer satisfaction. 

Key Source of Neon Sign Issues and How to Maintain Your Business Signage?

For any business, signage is one of the essential aspects of the company’s successful marketing campaign. Not only it guides potential customers to your shop, but it also helps you make a great first impression, landmarks your business, and promotes brand recognition.


If your neon sign is not properly lit, you need to repair it immediately. As an owner of a neon light sign, you may be aware that neon signs are a bit fragile. These lights contain gases that are encased in glass that can break easily if not handled correctly. Issues with neon signs can be caused by one of many factors:

  • The Connections
  • The Glass Coating
  • The Transformer

Repairs of neon signage are a bit technical. Thus, it is better to hire the services of professional neon light sign repair.

Let’s take a look at what are the sources of neon sign issues.

  • Power Issues

Power issues may be the likely cause if your neon signage is flickering, blinking or if it goes out completely. Neon lights require a consistent power supply. Any variations can cause them to stop function properly.

For multiple connected neon lights, each one must be supplied with the same voltage. If one goes out, they all go out.

  • Age-Related Problems

The several components that makeup neon signage have a limited lifespan. Usage and how they are maintained play a crucial role in how long they last.

  • Damage to Components

A crack in the glass casing can cause gas to leak out or become contaminated. This could cause the light to stop working.

How to Take Care of Your Neon Light Sign?

  • Dust the Neon Lights

Each month you should clean the dust off your neon light. Cleaning will help it to look bright and make any future cleaning hassle-free and easy. In order to clean your neon sign, you will need a feather duster, a small and stiff brush, and a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment.

When you start cleaning, always turn off the sign. Brush each neon tube with the feather duster and use the brush to get into smaller cracks and crevices. After cleaning the lights, cautiously vacuum the signage.

  • Keep Your Sign Plugged in All the Time

The signage’s power transformation is likely to wear out much sooner if it is continually turned on and off every day. Since neon signs use electrodes, they do not get hot or pose a fire threat.

  • Keep It Out of Reach

People tend to get attracted to neon signs. The signs that are hung low enough to touch are more likely to get damaged. In order to keep your neon sign safe, consult a lighting sign repair and installation company for hanging it out of reach of your customers.

A neon light sign repair service understands how crucial exterior signage is to the success of your business. To know if your sign is suitable for repair or replacement, call the expert today.

Importance of Gas Station Price Sign Maintenance & Repair

Gas station price sign is vital for ensuring the display of right price from a distance. It ensures that the driver is able to notice the gas price while driving through a highway. Maintenance and repair of the gas station price sign is important for regular flow customer & consumers in the gas station. It is important to contact the right kind of professionals dealing with the maintenance of gas station signs.

Pricing signs of the gas station are essential for consumer information and advertising of the gas station. It is necessary to have LED price signs in front of the gas stations that fuel prices continue to fluctuate.

The offering of a gas station sign repair company includes production, new systems, removals, rebrand, retrofits, reparations, and repairs. The LED signage services leads to the proper maintenance of the sign board or update existing signs for gas stations.

The service includes –

Installation of Sign Services:

Make sure your company invests in quality sign items specific to the needs of the company name. There are so many ways in which potential buyers may have a lasting impact. Please take advantage of our experienced design team and protect your spot in the marketing world with personalized signage by taking advantage of the new technology and innovations.

There are infinite opportunities for the company to customize signs. You may select multiple forms, proportions, positions, color variations, precise boundaries, fonts, high-definition pictures, and media that define the sign’s aesthetics. Don’t wait another day for custom sign advertising to tap into the resource!

Maintenance of gas station price sign:

By proper and regular maintenance, the sign life can be significantly improved. The newer the sign, the less your sign is needed, but it is always prudent to look at it regularly to make sure that your marketing budget gets you the best out of it.

A sign of harm or condition will restrict the unforgettable good impressions that you produce. You can also update the old sign with a new one, which needs less upkeep. The more old neon signs, for example, can be prohibitive to keep. The more unique LED lighting signals are considerably cheaper, conserving electricity and providing more customization possibilities. Our sign management staff will see you through if you need a patch, essential maintenance, or an updated edition.

Reparation of a gas station price sign:

Many modern-day gas station price signs are very long-lasting and require no maintenance. Older characters can, however, require maintenance to ensure that they remain a reliable marketing tool. The most famous are the more senior backlit show signs designed with neon light. These need regular maintenance, and business owners often prefer modern, more durable, and longevity-resistant, older lighting methods over the newer LED lighting.

It is important to consider the right kind of gas station price sign repair for the best solutions. Make sure you reach out to the right kind of gas station price sign repair to ensure that the gas station signs are in best shape.

Hire the Right Parking Lot Pole Light Construction and Repair Company for Quality Services

A parking lot is an important space at any commercial facility or business building that provides easy access to the workers and other people to park their vehicles safely. It should be properly built and well-lit to make the right impressions on anyone who visits the place. In addition to construction type, lighting is an essential part of any parking lot that is essential for safe and efficient operation. A well-constructed and installed parking lot pole lights enhance the visibility with improved security at pathways, driveways, and parking spaces.

Whether you are looking to construct a new pole light or want to maintain and repair an existing one, a full-service company can help you with the right kinds of services on demand. To ensure that your parking lot is well lit, make sure to hire the right company that offers parking lot pole light construction and repair services as per your requirements. Unstable and damaged parking lot pole lights can cause many problems while driving and parking vehicles that could lead to accidents.

A full-service lighting and electrical service company offers efficient and cost-effective solutions as per the business requirements. Right from installing and constructing new light poles to troubleshooting your power lines, an experienced and licensed professional can offer customized parking lot light installation, repair, and restoration services to meet your expectations. A professional lighting company can offer the following parking lot pole light services:

  • Construction and installation of new light poles
  • Maintenance and repairing of damaged light poles
  • Replace pole light bulbs
  • Install new LED light fixtures
  • Restoring parking lot pole lights
  • Troubleshooting power lines electrical system problems
  • Energy-efficient and cost-saving pole light solutions

 Advantages of efficient parking lot pole lights

  • It enhances the efficiency of the surveillance system
  • It helps prevent accidents
  • It discourages ill-intended people to commit a crime
  • It enhances the value of your business

When you are looking for parking lot lighting solutions, make sure to go with the LED light fixtures and bulbs for eco-friendly, energy-efficient, and sustainable lighting solutions. It reduces the overall cost with lower energy bills and maintenance costs. LED light bulbs are more reliable, efficient, durable, and long-lasting when compared to traditional light bulbs used in pole lights. It is an energy-saving option that is a primary motive of any business or facility owner to keep their expenses in control.

A well-lit parking lot also sends a clear message to the customers that your business place is open and running and they can come and visit for shopping or any other services. If you are looking for parking lot pole light repair or construction services in Chicago and nearby cities, contact NUER Lighting for cost-effective and efficient lighting solutions as per your business requirements and budget.

Install High-Quality Gas Station Signage to Boost Your Business

Every business needs a way to advertise its services and offerings to attract more customers. Signboards and advertising panels are the best way to promote any business. When it comes to finding advertising methods for gas stations, LED price signs, billboards, flip signs, and street signs are the best signage solutions to promote offers and prices to attract people. A perfectly installed signage at your gas station can stand out your business and pull the traffic to boost your business.


You will get a lot of options from a professional signage company that offers a wide range of gas station price signs services to advertise your business. The most popular signage options that you can install at your gas station include:

  • LED Gas Price Signs
  • Scroll or Flip gas price Signs
  • Indoor signs
  • LED Pump Top Signs

LED signboards are the best way to create illuminate gas station price signs that can be easily seen from very far away on the highways. It enhances the visibility of your advertisement boards to pull in more traffic towards your gas station. You can get custom designs and solutions as per your requirements to meet your business expectations. Gas Station price signs and message boards are available in different sizes, colors, and displays to fulfill specific needs to promote a business. The LED price signs can be integrated with most POS systems as per your service offerings.

You can install your gas station price signs in different styles to fulfill different signage needs by ensuring the sustainability and durability of your advertisement panels. The most popular options to install your price signs are in form of highrise, billboard, canopy mount, and street signs to locate your potential customers. The right signboard and installation method will result in more sales by driving more traffic to your station.

When looking for high-quality gas station price sign services to create and install signage at your gas station make sure to find a full-service signage company for complete solutions. You should look for the following factors while searching for the right signage company in your region:

  • Make sure to work with a company that offers a complete range of signage services including design, manufacturing, installation, repair, and maintenance as per your requirements.
  • Find a company that offers custom designing and manufacturing solutions as per your specific needs to meet your business expectations.
  • A company that uses the latest technology and services to design, manufacture, and install your signboards can be your best choice for signage services.
  • Find a signage company that has years of experience in designing, manufacturing, installing, and maintenance of different kinds of signboards for different businesses.

If you are looking for gas station price signs services in Chicago, you can contact us at Nuer Lighting for the best technical expertise and industrial solutions. Whether you are looking for new signboard design and manufacturing or want to hire maintenance and repair services for your existing signboard, we can offer the best and affordable services as per your business needs. 

Importance of Having a Well-Lit Parking Lot!

How many times have you thought about the parking lot lighting of your commercial property? You haven’t thought about it often, have you? This is one interesting thing about the lighting in your parking lot. Parking lot lighting tends to go unnoticed by a majority of the people until and unless the quality is bad.

If the quality of the parking lot pole light is good and the area is well-lit, then the drivers and pedestrians find it easy to navigate and also feel a bit safer. However, if the lighting in your parking lot is poor, people tend to feel unsafe and naturally, the rate of crime and accidents rise due to insufficient lighting. So, it is important to indulge in parking lot pole light repair whenever you feel like the lighting is not up to the mark.

One thing you must remember as a business owner is the fact that your potential client’s or current client’s experience begins in the parking lot, and it gets even more important if your business involves working late hours into the night. If the parking lot outside your commercial property is not well-lit, then customers are less likely to park, stop and shop with you.

If this was not enough to convince you, then take a look at the following points in order to learn the importance of having good lighting in your parking lot.

  • Prevents accidents:
    It is known that people walking or driving into unfamiliar territory have the tendency to fall or get injured seriously if the lighting is bad, and the same is the case with the parking lot. If you manage a commercial property, then it is your responsibility to indulge in parking lot pole light repair and maintenance every now and then. Good lighting enables your customers, both pedestrians and drivers, to see clearly what lies ahead of them and prevents them from getting into any sort of accident, due to the lighting.
  • Lowers the crime rate:
    If you wish to discourage any criminal activity in and around your commercial property, then good lighting, both in and out of your premises, goes a long way in doing so. Everyone knows that criminals thrive in darkness, and are more likely to perform their criminal activities in a poorly lit area as it keeps their identity concealed and they can keep doing what they do without being seen by anyone. So, by investing in a parking lot pole light repair and maintenance, you don’t give criminals any chance to carry out their sinister activities.
  • Reflects well on your business:
    Just like the indoor lighting in your premises, the outdoor lighting in your parking lot also tends to reflect the values and quality of your company. A well-lit parking lot out of your property would encourage your customers to associate with your company, while a poorly lit parking lot leaves a bad first impression and lowers their confidence in your business.

In a nutshell, the importance of a parking lot with good lighting exceeds just the safety aspects of your business, but it also helps in the growth of your business by encouraging more customers into your building.

Why Consider LED Lightings in your Office Lighting Plan

As a business owner or operator, you might not think that choosing the right lighting in your workplace is that big of a priority. Quite the contrary, both commercial and industrial operations require a thoughtful lighting strategy to enhance productivity, support employee health, and prevent avoidable accidents.

For office buildings, commercial LED lighting service is becoming the norm. Not only the LED lighting saves a ton on monthly electricity bills, but they also offer more control in terms of style, function, and aesthetics.

For your commercial lighting plan, you need to pay attention to some of the essential features. Here are some of the top trends in office lighting:

Boosting Productive with LEDs

Lighting is one of the influential factors in how well your employee is going to perform at the workplace. Factors like levels of concentration, satisfaction, and overall well-being, have been directly linked to a workplace’s light quality.

Considering your office’s lighting strategy is not much of a big deal. Commercial LED lighting produces less glare than traditional fluorescent lighting, making your office a more comfortable place to work in.

LEDs can also function with smart lighting control systems. This allows for temperature color change automatically over the day.

Create Contrast and Energy by Using Indirect Light

Don’t make the mistake in your office lighting planning by overusing the linear light. This is where a light source is pointed straight at the thing it is supposed to lighten up. Although direct lighting is crucial for production facilities and task areas, it can be overwhelming for office spaces.

Indirect light sources are an ideal way to create a contrast between different elements of the office space. Ceilings, walls, and walkways can all be used to reflect incoming light. It helps reduce glare and headache, and create a more dynamic feel and make your office space appear bigger.

Choose the Right LED Color Temperature to Increase Concentration Level

LED lightings are available in a range of color temperatures. It can range from warm white to cool white, with natural white in between.

  • Warmer color temperature, in terms of color, are more like traditional incandescent lightings. Warmer light promotes coziness and relaxation, so it is an ideal option for cafeterias, seating areas, and break rooms.
  • You don’t want to go with the cool white option with your office lighting. The cool color temperature is better suited for warehouses than an office.
  • Natural white lightings are a bit cooler in temperature. These are probably the best for office working conditions. Blue light offers a contemporary feel, which tends to increase concentration levels.

Installing commercial LED lighting in your office premises isn’t a costly affair. There are commercial LED lighting services that can install LED lightings into your existing fixtures at a reasonable cost. Replacing the old lighting with new LED lighting can enhance your office light quality, and you can expect your employees to appreciate the change.

What Factors Affect the Charges of Commercial Electrical Services?

There are many incidences when we need qualified electricians for commercial electrical services at our homes or businesses. Commercial electricians offer a variety of services including, installation and maintenance of lighting systems, wiring, and control systems as per the requirements. They also inspect electrical components for any potential problem as a preventive safety measure.

Commercial electricians work individually or in association with a commercial electrical company to offer their service. They visit a site on demand and work accordingly as per the client’s needs. Usually, an electrician charges on an hourly basis, but their service charges can vary depending on various factors. In this post, we will try to figure out some factors that affect the cost of commercial electrical services that can help you find the right electrician next time.

Travel convenience

An electrician includes the travel expenses to and from the site and their service location into his hourly and project cost. This is why you should try and find commercial electrical services near your home or business in case you need to hire an electrician for any job.


The cost of an electrical project also depends on how easy or complex the job is. A complex job like installing a new electrical circuit will require more time to identify the problem and resolve it.  On the other hand, a job like installing a lighting system doesn’t require lesser time and can be finished easily. This can easily affect your project cost.

Expertise required

A complex project requires more knowledge, expertise, and skill to test, repair, and install an electrical system. Many smart electrical appliances require additional skills for maintenance and repair works. The more skilled electrician you need the more the cost of your project.

Additional parts

During any electrical project, an electrician needs to change some components and parts to resolve an issue. The price of the additional electrical part will be added to your project cost. If your electrician is using any additional part during the project, check the quality and price of the product, and ask whether there is any warranty on that product or not.

Emergency services

When you are looking for emergency electrical services at your site for an immediate solution, it can cost you more depending upon the kinds of services and how quickly you want an executive to visit your place. Many commercial electrical services offer 24/7 emergence support to their clients and charge a little extra than their regular service charges.

These are some common factors that can affect the cost of your commercial electrical services. If you are looking for a commercial electrician in Chicago, USA, you can connect us here at NUER Lighting for a complete range of commercial electrical and lighting services as per your needs. We offer affordable repair, maintenance, and remodeling services to businesses of all sizes.

Maintain Safe Car Parking | Parking Lot Pole Light Repair

A well-lit parking lot not only ensures safe parking but also looks good. Make sure that your business or residential parking lot is maintained properly around the year to avert crimes. Take the help of an expert parking lot pole repair service in Chicago to make it steady & functional.

A well-lit parking lot is the first line of defense against property damage and theft. It also acts as a deterrent to criminal activities against employees and customers. The parking lot is the first place that customer visits and it is vital to reflect a good impressing on the customer with a well-functioning parking lot pole light.

What are the advantages of Parking Lot Pole Light Repair?

Commercial parking lot light needs regular maintenance so that it remains in good shape. It has its own basic needs that need to care. It is always a good idea to maintain the parking lot light for all the good reasons.

The parking lot pole light repair is important because –

  1. It ensures the safety and security of personnel and their property.
  2. It is always a good idea to spend little on schedule maintenance rather than spending much higher on installing new poles or lights every time.
  3. The performance of the lights improves and also their life span expands.
  4. The experts ensure safer maintenance as compared to self-maintenance.

Why choose LED lights for parking lot poles?

LED lights are the most recommended or used lights in today’s time. It lasts longer and also provides better lighting over the long haul. Change your pole lights to LED to save energy. There are shortcoming in traditional lights and they don’t do well in all areas, especially areas where there can be wild temperature swings or temperatures that are extremely hot or cold. Bulbs are more likely to burst as the temperature gets hot or cold. Ensure swapping of the lights at the time of repair so that it doesn’t cost heavy.

Here are a few reasons as to why choose LED lights over traditional ones –

It ensures safety and security. As the lights last longer than the traditional ones, the parking lot remains safe for a longer period.

It holds up well. The lights last longer and also hold up well on all occasions. The LED lights on the parking lot pole will be the best option to ensure longevity and safety.

Ensures cost reduction. The life span of the LED lights is much more than the rest and thus there is no need for a replacement at short intervals. This saves the cost for lights to be replaced at regular intervals.

Whenever there is a problem with the parking lot light, it is advisable to call the experts for the best advice and parking lot pole light repair in Chicago. Maintain the lighting efficiently for the best outcomes and ensure safety in the parking lot. 

Top 4 Ways to Maintain your Business Signage

Among all the essential investment you made, buying signage to promote your business is probably the most expensive one. So, the last thing you would want is damaged signage all because of your carelessness and lack of knowledge on maintenance. Be it any business sign, whether DIY or the ones made from high-end technology, maintenance is a must.

If you do not properly take care of your business signboard, it might lose the aesthetic appeal, and cause a bad reputation to your brand name. Choosing to work with a professional signage repair company should be your first step in caring for the sign. 

Apart from taking the help of the experts, there are a few other ways you can maintain your business sing board.

Here are some of the different ways you can take care of your business signage

Hiring a professional repair service provider is an ideal option, in case there is any severe damage to the signage or for maintenance work.  However, you can take some basic steps to protect your business signboard. Let’s take a look at how:

  • Keep A Shade Over Your Business Signage

One of the best ways to extend the life of your outdoor business sing is to keep shade over it. By doing this, the signage will stay protected from the rain, storms, or other harsh conditions. It may seem like a huge investment, but it surely serves for a long time.

  • A Strong Foundation Helps

As much as protecting the shade is vital, you should not ignore the foundation of the signage. You should keep track of the standing water and dirt at the base of the sign.

Right after rain, the water should shed away from it and not puddle up. Just like the shade, you can add a trench to direct water away.

  • Change the Burned-out Lights

Today, many business signs have lights to help glow in the night time. If your signboard also has a lot of lights or is an electrical one, make sure that all of them are working properly. In case one is not working, and others are, it might look unpleasant and slowly cause a short circuit as well.

Replacing them when they have burned out is critical.

  • Professional Electrical Sign Cleanup

A trained technician in electric signage cleanup can do what you, as a novice, won’t be able to. They can open the body of the sign and inspect the interiors. Usually, dirt and debris find a way inside the signboard and close the holes designed for water drainage.

In case it rains, the standing water and dirt can shot the electrical signage. Regular inspection of your business sign is thus imperative when you want to keep it clean and in proper working condition.


At the time of installing the business sign, ensure that you hire a well-known signage company that use sturdy materials for executing it. Cheap materials can crack and get damage quite quickly. On the other hand, durable materials will extend the longevity of the signage.

Business signs are excellent for marketing your brand. However, you need to choose a well-known company that deals with making and repairing signage that specializes in both indoor and outdoor signs.

Things to Consider When Looking for Signage Services for Your Business

Signboards play a significant role in advertising and promoting your business. It helps you attract potential customers towards your business by displaying your business identity, offerings, services, information, menu, and messages for specific occasions.A creative and visually attractive signboard stands out your business and lets your customers know about your presence. There are different kinds of signboards like digital signboards, LED display signs, outdoor signage, indoor signage, ceiling-mounted signage, freestanding advertisement displays, and others that you can choose for your business.

If you are looking for installing a new signboard for your business or any other signage services, you should always contact a professional service provider in your region. Professional signage services include installation, maintenance, repair, cleaning, removal, and re-installation & upgrades services. Whether you are looking for new signboards or sign repair services, you should consider the following points while finding the right signage service company for your needs:

Determine your requirements: Before start searching for a signage service provider, decide on your requirements and what are you looking for. Determine what kind of signboard you want for your business and what will be its configuration and features.  If you are looking for signage repair services or signboard cleaning or maintenance service, you need to figure out your requirements.

Custom designs:If you are looking for a new signboard, look for a company that offers custom design and personalized configurations to fulfill your business requirements.

Service:If you are looking for any other signage service, go through their website to take a look at what kinds of signage services they offer and if they are capable of offering these services for all types and kinds of signboards.

Experience:Look if the company has experience and expertise in the signage business to install repair, maintain, clean all kinds of signboards. You can check their previous works to get an idea about how good they are at their work.

Trained professionals:Look if the company works with trained and qualified professionals to offer signage services for the best results.

Methodology:Look if they use advanced technologies, techniques, equipment, and energy efficiency measures while manufacturing, installing, and repairing process.

Easy and quick services: Look if they offer 24/7 Emergency Service for repair and maintenance work.

Price:Compare the charges of different signage service providers in your region to find out the best in your budget.

Recommendations: Look for online recommendations and references to find the best services in your region. Check the online reviews and testimonials of the previous clients to know more about a company.

Compare them all:Make a list of all available service providers in your region and compare them on the above factors to find out the best one in your budget.

If you are looking for new signboard installation, sign repair services, or signboard cleaning services; always find a professional that fits in your budget and needs. You will find many signboard manufacturers, suppliers, and service providers in the market but they all are not capable of delivering what you are looking for. You need to research and find a signage service provider who offers 360-degree service under a single roof.

Parking Area Lighting Options and How to Choose a Parking Light Solution Provider

In a parking lot, proper lighting is essential. A parking area with dim or damaged light often gives the right conditions for robbers and thieves to realize their ill intentions. When it comes to choosing between HID lights and LED lights, the latter option proves to be a more beneficial option. One of the biggest advantages is that, in case of LED lights, a parking lot manager can easily hire parking lot pole light maintenance services as these lights are easy to repair and come with several benefits. 

LED Fixtures vs. HID Fixtures

HID light fixtures usually produce a bright spot directly below the fixture. As the distance from the pole increases, the light levels of HID fixtures decrease drastically. However, this is not the problem with LED fixtures. 

LED fixtures come with multi-point design and therefore, they are able to provide an evenly distributed light pattern. It means the light levels for a given surface will vary less as the distance from the pole or fixture changes. Therefore, parking lot LED pole lights result in more even foot candle distribution. This is not all. 

Apart from even distribution of light, LED lights are also available in a vast variety of color temperatures. Thus, one can benefit from a range of options to increase the visual perception of brightness. 

What to consider while choosing an LED lighting solution provider?

Once you become clear that you want to install LED fixtures on poles in your parking lot, it is time to choose a suitable LED lighting solution provider. 

You need to understand that LED technology is not merely a commodity. Thus, evaluating options purely based on cost is not wise.

So, you should find a supplier who undertakes your LED project and focus on providing a better solution. An LED solution provider should ask you several questions. They should inquire about:

  • Your project objectives
  • Whether there are any budgetary constraints
  • Energy reduction targets
  • Light performance requirements, and so on 

A solution-focused supplier always tries to understand what kind of outcomes you expect rather than finding out just specific LED lights you want to buy.

Since not all LED products are the same, it is critical to find out whether the supplier has suitable LED lights and fixtures for your parking lot and help you achieve your objectives. If a supplier has not the expertise in dealing with projects of parking lot lighting, it is best to move on to another solution provider. When you work with a company that has the expertise you need and can meet your project priorities, only then you can expect the best results. 

Another thing that you must find out before sealing the deal is whether they provide complementary services to maintain your parking lot lighting, for instance LED installation services and parking lot pole light maintenance services. Finding an LED solution provider who helps you right from choosing the right LED product to installation and maintenance will not only keep the overhead costs down but also free you from the worries of finding a professional, should any fixture need repair or inspection. 

Why You Should Use LED Canopy Lights At Your Gas Station

Lighting can make or break a gas station. If the lighting isn’t bright and pleasing to customers, they may drive past the location to the competitors. That is why it is important to have the right gas station canopy lighting.

Many gas station owners have transitioned from HID, Pulse Start, and Fluorescent lighting to LED lighting, which is more popular, energy-efficient, and cost-effective. But there are still a lot of gas station owners who hesitate to convert their canopy lighting from traditional lighting to LED technology. Their major concern is that they may end up under-lighting the vital areas. This misconception is often driven by the drastic energy reductions that are usually involved in LED conversions.

The truth of the matter is that this is nothing more than a misguided belief. Gas stations illuminated by LEDs look much brighter than those that are illuminated by traditional lights. The LED lighting isn’t under-lit and it stands out clearly at night. LEDs also provide consistent light colour and brightness.

There are a lot of benefits of using LED Canopy Lights.

  1. Sustainable and Saves Energy

One of the biggest benefits of installing LED canopy lights is that they are energy efficient. They save both energy and labour. The LED canopy lights have a long life span. They also consume very less electricity and have greater hours of operation. These LED lights are one of the most affordable and sustainable electric devices known.

  • Low Maintenance Required

Being energy efficient and sustainable lighting, LED canopy lights have a low maintenance cost. They help you save both money and energy. They have a life expectancy between 50000-100000 hours so they don’t require to be replaced often. On the other hand, HID lamps and ordinary lights works up to 10000-25000 hours only. Also, HID lights lose lumens very quickly, requiring a frequent replacement which adds to their maintenance cost.

  • Eco-Friendly

The Gas station LED canopy lighting is environmental-friendly. They work safely without harming the environment. This is because they emit light with the visible spectrum with zero UV emissions.

  • Withstand Extreme Environment

LED canopy lights are usually very efficient. They can work with equal efficiency even in a harsh environment. LEDs are often seen working in extreme temperatures without any deterioration. Many LED fixtures can easily withstand rain and bad weather too. Normal lights use more electricity to generate light in a harsh environment.

  • High-Quality Light

LED canopy lights spread a wide spectrum of light. They produce high quality, intense light that can brighten up a wide range of area easily. This is because LEDs have great Colour Rendering Index (CRI), which means they have the ability to reveal the actual colour of the objects.

If you are intending to use LED canopy lights for your gas station, you are surely making the correct decision.


Do you own a business or a store and are looking to get more number of customers to come to your property and invest in your services? Well, if you still have that old printed billboard or signboard hanging over or next to your store, then maybe it is time to call storefront signage services and invest in digital signage.

Digital signage is an electronic display screen that is usually used for advertising, enhancing brand awareness among potential customers, and delivering significant information about the products and services of a company with the help of high-quality graphics and videos. Smart marketing of your company includes making the best investment in advertising the message and products of your firm that people are likely to notice, and digital marketing works like a charm for you on such occasions.

The ability of storefront signage displays to deliver attractive announcements, timetables, and product descriptions in real-time can make your business have an edge over other competitors in your field of business. In today’s digital and modern age, where people are unlikely to respond to printed ads, below are some of the significant benefits of getting storefront signage services and installing a digital signage display over your store.

Increased Recall and Retention Rate:

Digital displays are said to capture more than 400% views than static display boards. Not only they get more views, but their recall rate as compared to any other traditional media is 83% higher. Potential customers are more likely to set foot in your premises just because your signage display would catch their eye, and that would result in increased foot traffic and you getting new customers regularly.

Boost in Revenue:

A digital signage display is a combination of powerful text, images and videos, which tend to influence people’s purchasing decisions, especially since a study demonstrates that almost 60% of a shopper’s purchasing decisions seem to have made up at this point of sale. Furthermore, more than 80% of the brands that use digital signage displays gain an increase of up to 33% in their sales.

Low Cost:

This type of advertising eliminates the need for printing, hence companies using digital signage over the traditional method of advertising saves the cost of different printing materials such as menu boards, brochures, conventional billboards, and large posters. The companies using digital signage benefit by cutting the cost of the logistics and storage of all these materials, leading to a reduction in their spending as well as saving of their valuable time.

Easily Deployable:

It hardly takes a few clicks and touches to optimize and display your advertisements to suit the constantly changing needs of your target customers. Moreover, if your firm has other branches, it can be sent to them as well and deployed in just a matter of a few minutes.

These were just a few of the many benefits of getting storefront signage services and installing a digital signage display to attract more potential customers to your establishment.   

Importance of Timely Parking Lot Light Maintenance!!

If you are an owner of a parking lot or running a similar business in the industry, you have to be aware of the maintenance. For example, you need to check the parking signs, you have to check the facility and most importantly you need to check the lights.

Parking lots are used day and night because you can never stop people from parking if you are providing the service. The doors of the parking lots are always open. So, just imagine if the light in the area goes off at night. Will it be safe for the people who are parking their vehicles? Will it be easy for you to maintain everything? It will very difficult. Darkness in the parking area will bring huge chaos. Keeping these in mind, we recommend getting parking lot light maintenance on time.

You might get some faulty signals from the lights and wires but not always. An avoidable incident can happen without any warning. You do not have to wait for any sign or warning and get it done whenever you feel so. Sometimes, people avoid parking lot light maintenance thinking that it is a vast area and nothing will happen here. But, it is nothing of that sort. You have to understand the importance of timely maintenance of the parking lot lights.

Safety of the users and Staffs

Every day, numerous people are parking their vehicles in the parking lot and huge staff members working in the location so you have to think about their safety. If the lights stop burning, it will be difficult for them to manage and access the things in the parking area. Darkness can also welcome unwanted people in the area and increase theft.

Can avoid Accidents

Faulty wires and lights can any time give birth to electric shocks and harm people. Sometimes, people might not be aware of the fault and touch the pole and get electrocuted. Also, the most important thing, vehicles at faulty electrical areas are always on fire risk.

Get Time for a Replacement

The timely parking lot light maintenance helps in knowing the faults in advance and repair the same on time. The repair and replacement in the parking lights require enough time as there are lots of preparation to be done before done. In case it is an emergency, it will be difficult and risky to complete the repair process.

Cost-effective for your Company

You very well know that everything becomes expensive when you need them the most and the same happens with the maintenance service. In case you urgently call the repair service, they will charge something unimaginable. In case of timely maintenance, you will have time to find the vendor whose charges will be the best.

So, by now you might have understood why it is necessary to take parking lot maintenance on time. If you miss it, will be a great loss for your company and a huge danger for the users and the staff members.

Things to Know When Looking For Commercial Indoor Lighting Solutions

Commercial indoor lighting solutions are a bit different from our residential lighting solutions. Commercial lightings are meant to ease out the balance at commercial spaces such as offices, stores, institutions, parking garages, restaurants, hospitals, and government buildings as per the importance and necessity of the place. It is a very important factor in any commercial place that can set the mood and ambiance for clients, employees, and customers.

Some research works have shown that indoor lightings at commercial places add different value to the workplace environment. Some of the most significant importance of lightings at a commercial place:

  • It has a positive impact on the productivity of workers and employees.
  • It also affects the health and wellness of workers.
  • Well-planned indoor lighting gives a better impression on potential consumers.

Compared to the residential lightings, commercial lightings have:

  • Higher initial cost
  • Better durability
  • Longer lifespan
  • Better customization
  • Better design flexibility
  • Better energy saving options
  • Higher maintenance cost

When it comes to installing indoor lightings at commercial places, you should consider many factors and aspects to find the right solution as per your requirements. You should not just opt for something that looks good. To create a productive working environment you need to find the right places to install your lighting systems and ideal level of brightness from them. These things are very necessary to ensure the maximum level of efficiency as these factors reduce any eye strain or pressure on the eyes.

If you are looking for commercial indoor lighting maintenance and installation work, consider hiring a professional service provider that can help you out with a complete lighting solution at your working place. They make sure that everything should be designed and installed carefully so that you could get the best out of your investment. A professional lighting solution provider company creates design and offers a lighting solution as per the activities performed in that particular commercial space. It also considers some other factors such as suitability, energy efficiency standards, and comfortability levels.

A professional service provider also helps you in the selection of customizable and flexible lighting design for your commercial space. You can choose from a variety of designs and lighting systems as per your requirements. In the end, depending on your requirements, applications, and functionality; you can choose from different lighting methods such as Tubular Fluorescent Light Fixtures, Compact Fluorescent Light Fixtures, T5 Fluorescent Light Fixtures, LED Light Fixtures. LED lighting solutions are the most advanced, energy-efficient, and cost-effective for any kind of usage.

If you are looking to hire professionals that offer commercial indoor lighting maintenance and installation solutions, you need to be very careful with your findings. Consider these points before hiring someone for your commercial lighting needs:

  • Go through their website to get an idea about the kinds of services they offer to their clients.
  • Look for their specialty and expertise and if it matches with your requirements.
  • Look what kind of lighting methods they offer and if they are energy-efficient and cost-effective in the long run.
  • Look for a service provider that offers maintenance and repair services as a part of their services to ensure that everything is working properly.
  • Go through their previous works and portfolio to get an idea about their work.
  • Compare the service and pricing of different service providers to get the best value in your budget.
  • Check for the online reviews and testimonials to know more about them and their services.

These are the most common things that one should know and consider when looking for commercial indoor lighting solutions for the workplace. It is also very important to find the right lighting solution provider company to get the best services.


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