Increase Safety and Security with Right Parking Lot lighting Maintenance Plan

A good parking lot lighting design plays a pivotal role in enhancing your business reputation and increasing your customer service. It offers convenience, aesthetic appeal, and safety and security benefits. Especially during winters, with fewer daylight hours, parking lot lights enable to welcome customers after the dark hours.

That is why it essential to maintain your parking lot lighting system. If you want to replace or repair your lighting fixtures, make sure you contact professional parking lot light repair services. 

Reasons for Maintaining Parking Lot Lights:

  • Make a Good Impression:

The parking lot is often your first impression for motorists and pedestrians who pass by your premises. Dim lighting can reflect badly on your business image. On the other hand, quality lighting makes the right impression on customers and passers-by.

  • Better Safety

Parking lots often have some hazards that could lead to trip or slip and fall accident. These include cracks, hold, uneven surfaces, or bumps. There may be slippery substances, including oil leaks from cars, ice, or snow. Good lighting will make it easier to see these hazards and avoid a mishap.

  • Better Security

Poor-Quality lighting offers a hiding-spot for burglars, vandals, and other wrongdoers. Quality lighting and CCTV cameras can help to deter criminal incidents and make it easier to identify perpetrators.

How to Get Most Out of Parking Lot Light Repair and Maintenance?

Here are some tips to get the most on your ROI:

  • Conduct Regular Inspection

Poor weather conditions and normal wear and tear can damage both light bulbs and poles. Regular inspection will help identify areas in need of repair.

  • Understand Lighting Characteristics

Different light fixtures create different kinds of light, visual effects, and energy consumption levels, which affect your utility costs. You will be able to get the best value by becoming familiar with different lighting characteristics.

  • Measure Levels of Parking Lot Lighting

Take readings throughout the parking lot to capture variations based on lighting placement. Treat your parking lot light system as a whole, and make adjustments to give the optimal level of brightness, uniformity, color rendition, and efficiency.

  • Maintain Lighting Fixtures and Poles

The right light bulbs won’t give you the lighting you need if there are not paired with the right parking lot lighting fixtures and poles. A good parking lot light pole, with the appropriate fixture, distributes light where you need it, maximizes efficiency, and minimizes glare and light pollution.

  • Type of Bulb You Should Use:

A) LED parking lot lights are efficient, durable, and power up quickly.

B) Mercury vapor bulbs have a good life but give off a blue-green light, which diminishes with age and yields poor color rendition.

C) High-pressure sodium bulbs are efficient, but they produce a yellow-amber light, which shows colors poorly.

D) Low-pressure sodium bulbs have a short lamp life and yield poor color rendition but are efficient.

E) Metal halide bulbs produce good color rendition but only moderate efficiency.

Whether you want to repair a parking lot light or need to replace the old lighting fixtures with LED lighting, get in touch with a reliable light maintenance company.

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