How Much Does it Cost to Install a Parking Lot Light Pole?

In any community or region, wherever humans inhabit themselves, the need to have a significant source of light becomes necessary. In modern times, the parking lot light pole has become a basic necessity in every parking space of any facility, whether it is a restaurant, a grocery store, a company’s parking, anything. They execute a substantial function in every car park, making them safe and secure while also enhancing visibility. Crimes and other criminal activities are more prominent in dim or dark parking lots, but the presence of excellent pole lights deter them from becoming frequent. Parkers feel safer when the pole lights light up the parking lot especially when it is a desolated one.

When it comes to operating or building a parking area, there are multiple factors one has to keep in mind, especially when there is a conversion of property involved. Critical factors to consider are who one should hire, where to look for the necessary supplies and how much budget should be set to build a well-lit and secure parking lot. At times people do not estimate the parking lot light pole installation cost when they were busy managing other expenditures. Which lights to consider and how much one should spend on the installing of these light poles. The article will guide you on how much should installing a parking lot light cost.

What determines the cost of installing a light pole?

The installation cost is influenced by the nature of the project. On the exact site, establishing a single pole featuring a solar unit can probably cost somewhere around $500 to about $2500 or more, whilst adding AC lighting can also cost the same as a solar unit light pole would.

An average parking lot light pole installation cost is about 970$ and takes an approximate 13 hours to complete. The major factor determining the expense is the site or location. When the electrical cables run underground, the expenditure of the light pole would cost a few extra dollars.

What is the cost of hiring a handyman to install the lights?

Most of the installations charges are between 75$ to 175$. The price is based on the type of parking lot light pole you choose and the quality of the wirings by which the electrician will give an accurate estimate of the pricing.

How deep should the light pole be installed?

Poles are typically planted at a depth of 10% of their overall height and 2 feet. The pole should be sunk 3 feet deep and 25 feet above the ground surface.

How much should it cost to set up a light pole in a parking lot? And what is the price of having the light pole fixed?

A highway light post is projected to cost between $2,000 and $3,000 to install. An electrician may bill up to a thousand dollars to install a highway car park light.

If several poles are broken in an unfortunate circumstance, the cost of a streetlight pole or parking lot pole takedown might be as high as $4,500.


Consult Nuer Lighting today if you are looking into the cost of parking lot, highway, or street light poles so you can make the right choices for your local district. Our qualified team can provide unique estimates for just about any project involving outdoor lighting poles as well as being a brilliant source for knowledge on the varying lighting options available.

Guideline – How to Repair Neon Sign

Every year a new trend starts and is popularly followed by the masses. For a while neon lights have become a popular style of adding a nice touch to the décor and also making the signage look pretty or trendy. They have been dominating the lighting fixture market.

Signage, business marketing, artworks, and so on can all benefit from the vibrant, colorful, and attractive neon signs. Initially, all lighting was made with glass tubes for neon lights, however, after then, technological innovation has emerged.

Though we all know perfectly that neon lights give off that retro and classic look which we all appreciate, you may find it arduous to keep them functioning since they can break down or cease operating at any point. So how to repair neon sign?

We have some excellent news: we know precisely how you feel, and we’re happy to serve.

Contrary to popular belief, maintaining or fixing your neon sign is not that complicated; in fact, with the proper equipment, anyone can do it by themselves. We’ll teach you how to repair neon sign or where to seek assistance if you can’t handle it yourself in this guide.

Lights Burned Out

Sometimes some parts or sections of a neon sign or light can fuse over time, similar to any other light.

Sections Cease Functioning

Sometimes some sections of the light or sign stop operating.

Broken Transformer

At times the transformers on the signs can stop functioning or are broken.

Nuer Lighting provides neon sign repair services all over Palatine, IL, for everyone who has a non-operating sign. However, it is not difficult to repair or replace one by yourself.

Identify the Issue

It begins with an identification of the situation. Numerous complications can be encountered by neon signage. There is generally a damaged part on fluctuating neon lights, particularly ones that go off when they fluctuate or those that simply light up partially. Whenever the light flickers or is switched on, the broken area does not light up. It’s usually an indication of a faulty transformer if the light doesn’t come on at all.

Repairing a Damaged Section

Because the signs themselves are delicate, damaged parts must be treated with utmost caution. If you make one error, attempting to repair a broken section of a sign can quickly grow into having the entire sign repaired.

Remove the plug from the sign. Try to delicately unwind the broken portion. If it doesn’t untwist readily, you might have to remove the part from the insulated tube using a sharp instrument. Pay special care towards how you uninstalled the section since you’ll have to reconnect everything you detached to replace it on the signage.

Pick the appropriate part, or purchase it from the shop where you bought the sign, and gently reconnect it. Assure it’s installed correctly so all of the cables are connected. In several ways, the neon light is equivalent to a bulb, only that it has more wiring and tubes.

Repairing a Faulty Transformer

Your neon sign transformer will have to be repaired if it is faulty. Fresh transformers can end up costing around $200 in general, however, if there are no additional defects, they can significantly prolong the efficiency of your neon signage. Fixing neon sign transformers, on the other hand, necessitates a stable hand and an understanding of electrical circuitry. You may repair a faulty transformer manually by viewing a Youtube clip, or you may leave it to us and we’ll do it for you.

For Neon Sign Repair, Contact Neur Lighting

Replacement parts, a skilled touch, and expertise in wiring and electrical components are all necessary for neon sign repair. If you have neon signage that is malfunctioning or in demand of any form of service, consult Neur Lighting now. Our team is capable of resolving almost every kind of neon light issue, plus we will get your signage back in operation in no time.

Guideline About – Commercial Lighting Services

The consumption of any lighting appliances in any given location, or the watts per square foot of the lighting gear, is alluded to as the lighting power density. But, in the lighting business, it is commonly related to the lighting power allowance (LPA) permitted by the specific building energy code.

“The maximal authorized illumination intensity authorized by the code,” as per the Oregon Department of Energy. For a certain occupancy or space kind, it is measured as watts / square feet.

In today’s extremely modern world, taking a minute to step aside to examine the quality of the equipment can sometimes be tough. Poor commercial lighting services can impact an industrial company, causing safety audits to be bypassed or inventory pickup cycles to be increased in a production setting.

The lighting arrangement should never end up causing any mishap anywhere it is installed. Even though many property administrators are conscious of the fact that existing lighting needs to be maintained or updated, identifying where and how to commence can be challenging. We’ve demonstrated the significance of converting to commercial LED business lighting solutions to aid consumers to make their choices.

Health Safety

Either low, dim or inadequate light or excessively bright light can cause a terrible strain for us. We face difficulties in doing normal routine tasks when the lighting is too harsh or barely makes the front visible to our eyes. This results in numerous eyesight issues and also causes lethargy.

Design Versatility

LEDs are exceptionally small. In a nutshell, they can be utilized in almost any setting. Traditionally, they have been used as circuit indicator bulbs. If you put a bunch of lights together, you get a typical light bulb. A row or thread of lights is created by combining a line of LED lights, much like a chain of fairy lights.

Avoidance of Mishaps

Whether it is in an industrial plant, a workplace, a house, public places, or general restaurants and streets, mishaps or accidents are prone to take place. Especially if the lighting system is not top-notch in such crucial places. Errors in judgment in the factories, incidents involving critical injuries or accidents in areas where there is poor illumination are hazardous for everyone present. Commercial lighting services must consist of a high standard and adequate lighting wherever installed. A place with excellent lighting prevents calamities from taking place. Investing in proper and highly professional services can save a lot of energy, time, and money in the long run.

Ability to Work in Extremely Cold Environments

The effects of cooler temperatures on standard commercial electrical services and systems are profound. When the temperature falls and the quality of the brightness reduces, fluorescent lights require a greater voltage to burn.
LED lights, on the other hand, function around 5% better in cooler temperatures. For lighting in refrigerators, meat freezers, cold storage areas, and fridge display cases, LED lights are a better option.


Commercial LED lighting system is much more power-saving and long-lasting than typical fluorescent lighting equipment. As a consequence, most commercial establishments are aiming to substitute and correspondingly reserve expenditure on energy and maintenance through utilizing LED lighting systems. This expense conserving may be influential enough to certify the lighting upgrade.

Picture the amount of money that could be saved if the augmented facility and public location lighting system culminated in a 1 percent advancement in productivity.

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